Luna is lost?

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Kai's POV------

"What are these fools doing here?", I asked myself as I looked at a group of boys and two girls not far away. Luna was struggling to escape from my hands but I held onto her. Please don't see me with this kitten.
I tried to sneak to the park through another gate when...

" Hey Kai, what'chya doin? ", a kiddie voice boomed out of nowhere. He had red blazing hair and a birthmark on his head Shit!

" Heya! Isn't it Kai? ", a tall, handsome blue haired boy asked.

"Long time no see Kane. What're you all doing here?", I asked tucking up Luna.

"Wait! That's such a cute kitten!! I love it!! Can I hold it?", a brown haired girl shouted making almost everyone aware of the fact that I had a kitten. This is so embarrassing!

" You're such a softie at heart Kai, look at you! A kitten, so cute one ", exclaimed the most annoying person I ever met. He tried to touch Luna but she scratched him.

" Ow! Bad kitty", he said licking his hands. Some drips of blood trickled and I looked at Hillary. She was trying to ignore the fact that Tyson's hand was bleeding. Something must've happened, she's not like this usually.

" Serves you right Tyson ",Salima smiled, her dark violet eyes shining in the evening sun," What's her name?".

"Luna", I replied briefly looking away.

" Doesn't that mean Moon or something, it's a charming name though ", said Hillary, enlightening us with her knowledge.

" Salima, where's Goki and Jim?", Asked Ray laughing at her comment.

"There up to something important, we're here for the championship. This time you guys are definitely going down because now, I'm here to rub you low", she replied punching in the air. The others started laughing and she seemed angry.

" Meow!", Luna slipped out of my grasp and ran towards some wandering butterflies. I was so busy watching them laugh that I .... Damn it!

"Luna! ", I ran after her with the others following. Wait? Where in the world did she go? They must've seen my frightened expression.

" Don't worry Kai! We'll definitely find your little friend ".

Oh! I hope so.

Mysterious girl/coach POV----------

I munched at the last bits of chips left and laid back comfortably. I could see the moon on the east and the sun getting ready to set down. The wet grass drenched my thin shirt and I enjoyed the feeling. Looking around I saw clouds gathering and that I had made a mess of my surroundings. Oh right, now I have to clean up , finish my next chapter and I think it's gonna rain. I twirled my finger and sensed my surroundings. No one is near, I can try out some magic.


The packets and cans vanished in a second. Great! Now I have to start writing. I gazed at the blank screen of my laptop and the words that I thought started to type on their own.

Ch-167; A new feeling of love

A bright summer morning whirled into this stormy evening. Does God want me to be gloomy? I peered at the people outside my house , running away from the thunders, cursing everyone they bump into. Tracing the raindrops on the window, I saw.........


A cat? Where did a cat come from? I glanced sideways and saw nothing except my concentration was broken and the last line of my story went like----

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