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Tyson's POV--------

It's been a couple of days since I last went to school. I can't believe I have to score 80%. I ran to my class and thankfully I was not late.
I opened the door in a hurry and crashed into Kenny.

"Hey Tyson get off me", he shouted trying to push me away. I was sitting right on top of him

" Sorry Kenny", I apologized rubbing my head and helped him get up.

"Somebody's not gonna have to stay back and clean up", A female voice chirped. She was sitting on top of a desk, legs crossed wearing a yellow T-shirt with a denim shrug and a pink short skirt. Aghh! Why she gotta melt my heart with that beauty of her's every time? This is killin meh!

" All ready to get 80%?", she mocked waving her hand laughing hard. I kept my bag on my desk, waved at my fans and ran back to answer her.

"You think? High school is tough. You'll help me right? ", I asked showing her that sly smile.

She just laughed harder, " No way, I don't think you'll do actual studying".

"Oh really? But it's not funny. What do you think I'll do? ", I gazed at her smirking but she turned her head away.

" Ya know, beyblading an...and", she muttered avoiding eye contact. This is fun, and what else, miss?

"Pfft! You're so cute, just tell me this, we're friends right? I mean, ar....are you angry with me?". I need to confirm this!

" I AM ANGRY, YOU FOOL!!!!! But you're always a friend and I mean it", she shouted making the entire class do ooohs and aaahs. What're these people thinking?

She threw them a deadly glare and they stopped.

"I'm so happy to hear that", I smiled and patted her head, ruffling up her hair. She didn't mind me at all. Wow Hil,you've softened so much since the day I met you.

" Hil! Hil! ", A girl came panting towards us, "Hey Hilary! Miss Kincaid's absent today, so first three periods are officially......",

" F R E E!!!!!!!!!!!!", the entire class shouted rejoicing.

"But, the revisions? ", Hil interrupted not looking a bit happy at the news.

" Hey class captain, we've been studying for endless hours. Let us take a break ", a black haired boy begged and she sighed.

" OK, fine", she gave up and slumped down her seat.


"But Tyson, you've.........",

" Study, I know", I cut in,"Helping me?".

"What choice do I have?" She sighed.


Time skip---------

"Aah! Come on! That sum is so easy, I taught you that a hundred times", a brown haired pretty girl in front of me scolded.

" Sorry, but......",

" Hey it's...Mr incredible, TYSON!!!", I turned my head to see a hoard of junior girls who had their break rushed over to me.

"Tyson!! You're so amazing!!"

"A three time world champion!"

"And super handsome!"

"I love you!!"

"Come here, baby!"

I couldn't see anything as girls pushed me around and around. Oh come on, life of a celebrity huh?

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