The battle finishes

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Kai's POV-------------

I was busy thinking about that girl when I came across the Bega headquarters but I was shocked . Every thing was in shreds. The buildings, every thing was broken into pieces . There was a purple black hole type of thing in the sky sucking up buildings and cars.
"I hope I not too late". Finally I saw Tyson and Brooklyn in a distance," So Tyson won against Garland ?". Just when I went closer Brooklyn went into that black hole followed by Tyson.
"Tyson don't go there!", shouted Kenny.
But Tyson never listens to anyone," Brooklyn ,it's not easy to get rid of me",he shouted. I saw him smiling.
"Now, what is he gonna do?"

Tyson's POV-----------------

I followed Brooklyn to the black hole and met a peaceful atmosphere. It seemed as if the ground was a giant mirror .I stood there staring at Brooklyn who had white wings but in the mirror they were pitch black ,"Brooklyn ....".
"Leave me alone Tyson or you won't live. No one can understand how I feel .No one!!" Brooklyn shouted.
"I can help you Brooklyn but only if you want. I don't know what beyblading means to you but it is a game where one has to face embarrassment, losing and sadness. But if one plays it in the best way one can then even if one loses , it's worth it. Brooklyn try to understand." I said soothingly.
"Get out of here Tyson. None of you will never know how I feel because everyone has always lost against me. You are only trying to provoke me so you can win but I won't come over in your pep talks." He replied harshly, his white wings turning to black.
"OK Brooklyn,I only wanted to help but now if you won't listen to me this way I'll make you understand the only way I can now. By beyblading ", I replied.
He started laughing evilly and seemed to become stronger.
" Don't worry friend , I will win anyway." I smiled at the thought.

Hillary's POV-----------

"Oh! No! What's happening?", asked a confused little redhead looking up at the purple - black sky," Daichi". I was really worried for Tyson but I knew he will be fine.
"No, this can't be good. If Brooklyn uses his dark magic then everything will be destroyed. everyone get out of here !", shouted Hiro, Tyson's big brother," Brooklyn can do anything with his power, it might be dangerous for us. Leave,now!"
"But we can't leave Tyson like this. He is our friend!" Shouted Kenny.
"Yes, I know Tyson will win and we have to see that"replied Max.
" Yeah ," we all joined in and cheered for him
"Oh Tyson, I hope you'll be fine. Don't come back with out winning.
We all have faith in you" I prayed.

Garland's POV----------

I watched in awe at Tyson's team. They were continuously rooting for him and they believed in him so much.
"I guess that's what friends are for. Our team is nothing compared to them. I failed everyone", I sighed as tears ran down my eyes. I noticed a figure standing on a pillar covered in bandages busy looking up in the sky,"Kai......You're definitely a true friend ".

Kai's POV-----------------

" Its been a two months since the Justice Five battle, Tyson did it, of course. I guess he will always be better than me . I won't lack behind, but I don't have Dranzer. Tala's discharged and so am I but still I have to keep on a few bandages . During theses two months Hillary took unnecessary care of me but the thing that didn't let me sleep at night was the mysterious girl who had my poor Dranzer. Oh wait , here comes Hillary............", I lifted the pen and closed my diary as Hillary swept in with a couple of bandages.
"Don't you know how to knock? I don't need your help Hillary."
"S...s...sorry but your door was , I.....I...I was just .....",she mumbled looking at the ground.
" Wait. Hillary isn't afraid of me, why on earth is she mumbling like that ? Maybe,she just doesn't wanna make me angry at this state.", I thought suspiciously until Tyson came.
"Hey Hil, Kai giving you his death glare?", mocked Tyson. I saw Hilary giving Tyson her death glare and pinch him real hard. That made Tyson stop laughing.
" Something is definitely on ", I thought as Tyson shrieked," Hey! I just thought it's not fair that you forget me and hang out with Kai, I got hurt too, ya know. You don't have to pinch me that hard.
"Now I know what's on. And I know what to do"

Tyson's POV-----------

"I searched every single place she could be, except one. I don't want to see her there. No I really don't wanna see her there but I know she is exactly there", I sighed and made way for the room Kai was staying in. I saw Kai shout at her and she mumbled a sorry. She was following our plan but little did anyone know I opposed it.
" How dare he shout at her? But I have to keep calm and not give anyone any clues of me liking her",I thought as I walked over into the room and said something to make her angry. As I thought she pinched me and all I could do was complain.
"Hillary?" Asked Kai staring at me which made me a little afraid ,"Now what does he want?"
"Yeah Kai,you want something?", she asked after laughing at my complaints.
" You are just like a sister to me but I don't need your help anymore. So,leave me alone!"he shouted at her.
"Kay. And you're like a bro to me ", she replied rather cheerfully ," Tyson I'm going ....."
"Just wait a bit ,OK?" I told her impatiently. She nodded and went off.
"Can I ask you why Hillary is acting so weird? She's never quiet, what happened today?"Kai asked rudely.
" Oh,Nothing,nothing at all. She's better when she's shouting but I don't mind her being like this at all",I replied barely hearing Kai's question as I saw her walk away.
"Don't worry or even bother to tell ,I already know what's going on", he smirked.
" What is he talking about? Does he know about why Hillary is acting weird or does he know my secret?",I panicked
    To be continued_-------

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