Rainy meeting? Or romantic morning?

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Next Day--
Going to BBA headquarters----

Mysterious girl/ coach POV---------

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!", an annoying noise early in the morning woke me up. I pressed the snooze button but my eyes glanced at the time.

I'm not late this time, lemme not sleep anymore. I jumped out of my bed with unusual energy and slid to the bathroom. I put the toothbrush in my mouth and gazed at my reflection on the mirror covering the entire wall.

Oh my, how late did I sleep yesterday. What should I do with  my eye bags? In the end I decided to just leave it and took a shower.

I got my purple robe from the closet, grabbed my mask and walked to the living room. I looked at my phone on the way..

264 missed calls..
869 messages....

Woah, gotta do something about this.

"  Good morning Miss, there's an audio message from someone named Stanley Dickinson. Oh, I've got you some pancakes with maple syrup and strawberry cream ", A dark haired man reported to me.

" Hey Will, you look burdened, play the message and go take some rest, Kay? ", I replied sweetly as he got me my plate of pancakes.

" Haha, nice try but I won't get you your bikes ", he laughed as he played the audio message.

"No! I'll drive very slowly and....", Stanley's voice boomed out in the back as Will played the message.

" Hello, kid. I just wanted to ask you to stop by at the BBA headquarters. Everyone has been asked to come at 7:00 so you don't need to worry about the blade breakers, they'll be here and training will start after this meeting. Do you mind? And oh, drive s..safely"

"Hahaha, did you hear that? That old hag just told me to drive safely and he called me a...a ... KID!!!", I laughed as Will rolled his eyes. I took a bite of my yummy pancakes and splosh!! Strawberry cream all over my jeans.

" Oh miss, you don't have to eat so quickly and you are still a kid", he laughed and handed me a tissue but I scowled "Anyways, BBA headquarters is right around the corner, so you better walk. Of course with your body guards eyeing you from corners like spies".

We stared at each other for a second and then.....

"Nahh, rather not", we both said in unison and burst into laughter.

" I'll see you off 15 mins before 7,Kay? Now, go get some more sleep. You are the one who looks burdened",  he replied gently and the maids cleaned up the strawberry cream.

"Thanks but ...."

"No buts, can't have you falling sick or worked up, right?", he interrupted," You want me to sent the blade breakers a message? That training will start after this meeting?".

"No,don't and yeah, I'll take rest. Good night again, I suppose", I laughed, dropped a kiss on his cheeks and scurried off to my room.

I got my headphones on and jumped on the bed. This should help me sleep.

We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do.

We don't laugh anymore
What was all of it for. Mmh
We don't talk anymore
Like we used to do.

I just heard you found the one you've been looking.
You've been look.....

I dozed off.

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