Mysterious coach.

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The next day-----

Tyson's POV-------------

"Hey ! Tyson! Wake up bro". I heard someone shouting. I did my best to crack open an eye and was really annoyed at the bright sunlight coming from the open window.
" Maxie, lemme sleep a bit more",I said as I pushed the Blondie.
"Leave him", said someone coldly. I pushed both of my eyes open and saw the entire team surrounding me. They were also dressed and each of them had their beyblades.
" Yaah, let's go, we don't have time to spare", said the little red head. Daichi, you!
"Um...may I know where you guys are going at 8?", I asked as I sat up and saw I had been sleeping in a unknown bed. I freaked out but realized it was only the hotel room.
" No time to explain!" shouted everyone ( except Kai who just rolled his eyes )and got me off the bed.
"Go get ready in 5 mins Tyson or we won't wait", said Hillary in her usual rude way.
" Where?", I asked as Ray pushed me into the bathroom with towels and clothes.
"No time to explain", he said," Be quick ".

What's going on?

Kai's POV--------

" Ugh! It's almost 9:30. The meeting will start and we don't have the so called new coach",Hillary moaned as we waited outside the BBA building.
"Um, Mr Dickinson this is so confusing. The next world championship is in December isn't it ? Why do need to practice now? And where is the new coach?", Tyson asked still yawning.
" Well it's complicated. You'll understand after the meeting. And the coach, let me call her", replied a grey haired old man. He took out his phone and dialed a number. It rang for 2  times and finally someone upon the other side replied.
" Yo! Why'd ya call me Stanley?",said a careless young female voice. Hmm, why is it so familiar?
"Oh, did you forget you have to come now? You have a meeting in less than 15 minutes. Where are you?",asked Mr Dickinson.
" Whaaaat? Kay,count the minutes. Be there in sharp 8 mins and 30 seconds .BTW I'm in the airport", with that she hung up and Mr Dickinson sighed.
"Something tells me that I won't like this coach that much", said Ray as he shook his head.
" Come on Ray, we can't judge so easily ", giggled Max.
" Wait a sec, the airport is 30 minutes away from here. How is she gonna make it?", asked Hillary who seemed to be annoyed,"Is anyone counting the minutes?".
"I am", said another annoying dark blue headed boy. So loud!
" Great let's see if she makes it",she replied with an evil smirk across her face. Girls, who can understand them?

After 6 minutes---

"Two more minutes, ha ha ha. With this traffic, she will make it only in her wildest dreams", roared Hillary. She was jumping up and down and Tyson seemed to be the only one who was able to tolerate her which was so weird, he is usually the first one to be pissed off. Well of course I remember your secret now.
" Hey Kai, you do know I was being so soft and quiet to ya only for your birthday right? ", she asked suddenly with a weird smile across her face.
"Hn", was my brief reply.
"Chuff chuff chuff chuff" we all looked up as the sound of two or three helicopters reached our ears. The sound was so loud it seemed the helicopters were quite near to the BBA building.
"Um,is she coming by a helicopter or something?", shouted Hillary.
" Maybe not. Look up! That building", screamed Ray pointing at the tower five buildings away. What in the world?

Hillary's POV--------------

I was shocked.
I was the sight of the bikers racing from roof to roof with a few helicopters following. They seemed to race for the BBA building. Within seconds they were on the roof of the building but they weren't stopping there. There was some broken stairs used for the construction of the building in the side and they were simply going down on that with their bikes. What? How? Are they doing that?? Oh no they are gonna crash .I covered my eyes as I couldn't see them crashing.

Max's POV ------------

It was all over in a blur. In front of us stood 4 bikers, three in black and one in white and purple. Soon some men in black came rushing out of three helicopters. The one in the white waved her hand and the big men looked scared. Who is this girl?
"Can't you see we don't need you? Get lost!", shouted one the girls.
The men retreated when suddenly a man in his thirties with a brown coat jumped out of nowhere.
" You cannot do this over and over again. What if you get hurt?", the man asked the one in white.
"I've got some important stuff to attend to now,Will. I promise I'll take the car when I leave", said that girl in a careless way. The man sighed and motioned the others to leave," Keep your promise".With that they were off. The girl in white took off her helmet to reveal side shaved, shoulder length, cool, violet hair with neon highlights. The others didn't, I wondered why. But the most scary fact was her golden black mask.
"Yo!Are you scared? You're so dumb.", one of the girls in black (who just took off her helmet ) said to Hillary who seemed to be trembling. She also had a black mask
" I'm not dumb! Maybe you are!", she shouted coming back to her usual self.
"Tch!", she replied," Ya must be getting late for your meeting. See ya!". With that she put on her helmet and started the engine of her bike and so did the others,"Good luck with these newbies and oh! Sorry for the dramatic entrance, dummies !" She drove off with the other two and we were left with the purple haired girl. 

" Whatever", she mumbled and looked at her watch," Yo! Are you guys gonna go or not?"

"Hey, I'm Max. Nice to meet you" I said as I took out my hands from my pockets and offered a handshake. 

"Didn't I say we're getting late?"she replied as she entered the building. We followed her.

"Well, at least she replied unlike our ice prince over here", I said as I waved over at Kai,". Hey! Kai you seem to be lost in thoughts?".
" Hn", he replied.
What's going on?

Yo guys! So sorry for changing POVs soooo many times. I hope it's not irritating but if it is then I promise next time I'll be a little bit more careful about it. Bye!

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