Bad deeds and karma

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Tala's pov~~

"You up red riding hood? ", A deep male voice chuckled.. the way he called me red riding hood.. it was so.. familiar..

I was too lazy to open my eyes or think further about that voice so I just streched my body on the bed and started rolling left n right. Such a comfortable thing to do ahhh..

"Well, such an un-Tala thing to do, eh?", The voice continued chuckling to himself.

"Ugh", I forced myself to open my eyes and there sitting beside me was a tall dark haired guy and a very refreshing smile.

"You! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?", I jerked up quickly and hit my head on the headboard.

" Sheesh! you careless ginger bread !", He slightly caressed my head as I winced in pain.

" Hey I'm okay, get your hands off of me ", I swept of his hands.

"No you're not, you fainted a while ago! Doctor said you're dehydrated, drink water can't you???? ", He almost shouted at me but it was so weird. I jus met him.. we aren't close enough.. I should get Outta here..

"Okay then, I'm leaving now", I got out of the bed and made way for the door.

"Wha-waaaait!", He interrupted as I opened the door.

"What now? ", I asked almost annoyed.

"Woops, I forgot haha, anyways take care ginger", he winked and flashed his smile and I just stood there speechless for a moment and then went off.

I was sitting in my room thinking only about that guy.. Michael.. I blushed.. Michael..

Tf is wrong with me?

Tyson's POV:-

Now what the hell?
Ugh Hilary

"Hey.. um TyTy", Hilary finally entered dressed in a khaki Blouse and black palazzos. Her hair was up in a bun with little bunny clips on the side.


" Hil... I.. "

"Mmh? " She looked up at me with her doe eyes and I felt weak I'm the knees..

"What were you doing with kai?"

" What was I doing with Kai? "

But wait .... What was I, Tyson? Doing with Kai, god just forget about it. I likes it tho ugh.

"Why did you let him win:( " I just sid referring to a game we were playing the night before. I made a pouty face and slumped on the couch.

" Aww, is my lil baby unhappy?" She snuggled up to me, her head on my chin.

"Sort of.."

"Fine, how about.." she took off my jacket and giggled.


"Daddyy" she took off her blouse and stared at me," you're already hard daddy"

Lil does she know I got it when he... That guy.... Ugh. Lil does she know it wasn't her but I'll free myself anyways.

Mariam's Pov-------

I was staggering on the corridor after Hill left me. My feet hurt and I suddenly couldn't walk anymore and I fell down. I saw a familiar shadow standing on the end of the corridor, his back facing me. Will.


He turned, the thunders outside were still clapping, even harder now. He walked, so slowly, still in the darker part of the corridor. Emerging from the shadows, I saw that he had that monotonous smile on his face and his uniform was sort of untidy.

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