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Raven's POV:-
As a kid, I really wanted magical powers and I believed if I asked god for it enough, I might get it. Don't laugh at me, its just... Ugh...childish... But.... I didn't lose hope, it may seem stupid but it wasn't for me. I didn't like my family and hated myself a lot, time passed, my hopes seemed to extinguish, I didn't believe in anything but the worst thing happened when my mom changed my school, it may not seem that worse but it was, I wasn't ever happy in home, school was my refuge but the new one, was a part of hell, I hated it, I hated everything, my relationship with my family reached the worst peak and I was pretty depressed inside and sometimes I thought I should give up, it was too much for me but something stopped me. A year and a half later, at the dawn of the first day of July, time stopped and down from the window came the prettiest woman I ever saw. There were no words left for me as I thought it should be a dream, like all my happy moments are,so it wasn't pretty exciting. The woman as I said was extraordinarily pretty. But as soon as she opened mouth.. The beauty left her, all I saw was an enraged jealous woman..

"You.. 14 year old.. You're chosen..DO YOU EVEN HAVE IT IN YOU? ARE YOU EVEN READY TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING? " her teeth were clenched, her white robes turned red and her voice became cranky.

I just mumbled, ""

She laughed.... And put a tight gold band on my hand which immediately strained me of my energy and I collapsed... The last thing I saw was my sleeping sister.... Also the last time I saw her..

From that day, the only person I saw was.. That jealous woman...

This woman.. Was my teacher.. For what felt like, and maybe even was, a century...

I didn't know a bit of what was happening but one thing I knew, I had to give up everything , my family, my friends, my life, my attitude, my interests... Everything and everyone.

Honestly at that time it felt like a nice exchange offer but I didn't knew I had to learn to control and wield the power. Well, yea, training was difficult but yea it was for the good of me I guess.

She reversed my age to 11, to keep me young and trained me harder than ever, no powers were given to me at that time so it was pretty torturing for me. Oh and , I was never given free time, she would say 5 more minutes but she'd stop time, (a power she borrowed from what was to be mine in the future, and could only use on me and no one else) and train me 5 consecutive days. It wasn't for the good of me, I realized later, it was to hurt me so I cannot wield the power when I got it. So you can guess, I had to go through both the timelines horribly. Haha! It doesn't matter now..

Around 2 years later ( according to world time ), the demons began to sense my existence but they knew of my teacher, who was strong. I finally got free time, maybe coz she got irritated of me and I went to school , lonely but not bullied, only known to be strange. And then you entered my life... sent by the demons to woo me. I don't wanna say this but I stupidly got wooed by you.. I don't even know how.. Actually I do but I won't say.. It's too.. Ughh... It doesn't match my personality..

But yea, your stupid lies just made me fall for you haha.. *sarcastic laugh..

I pause my story to catch a quick blush across Kai's cheeks followed by confusion and he was about to ask me but then stopped. I smiled as I recalled sad painfully embarrassing moments.

Well, yea I was in stupid love blah blah blah did stupid stuff blah blah blah... And then you took me to Voltaire , he's a demon, would've killed me if teacher didn't drop by, but it was super hard.

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