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Kai's POV----


"Yes young master"

"Get me a plane to Russia now"


"Don't ask any...."

"Well, master Voltaire and Boris, both of them aren't here"

..... Silence followed...

"WELL? WHERE ARE THEY?" , I burst out in anger.

"In Paris, they're there for some sort of meeting, it's a super secret place, I'll text you the address and..."

"You better..."

With that I hung up. I looked around myself and all I saw was jungle, not even the big mansion could be seen. I lost my shoes somewhere and I could suddenly feel the pain in my bones. I seated myself in one of the roots rising from a tree.

I guess I ran a lot. I've lost count of how many times I fell.

No one can understand what I was feeling at that moment. Was I really so cruel to Raven? I felt my tears forming again but washed out by the rain. I sniffed as I felt a vibration coming from my phone. He texted me the address. I gazed at the address for a long time until the phone screen was shining with teardrops or rain I didn't knew.

My mind puzzled with thoughts that only one person could clear. Voltaire. But, this way you are putting Raven's life in danger.
Am I? No I need to know the truth... But Raven.. I don't want to hurt her anymore...

Hmm..idk what to do...

" Maybe start with having breakfast?", A painfully familiar voice struck my brain.I hung my head down and covered my face with my hands. Through a slit in between my fingers, I could see a pair of legs adorned with purple boots walking towards me.

" How ruthless you are.... you ain't even replying me eh...", she was standing right in front of me and then suddenly I couldn't feel the rain on my skin anymore. Guess she's got an umbrella?

" Look, Raven.... I can't face you now.. I can't... please just leave me a..."

My stomach grumbled cutting it my words.

"Pfft", she giggled... That giggle which made me shiver," Well, your belly is speaking for itself "

Before I could say anything, I felt myself almost falling apart, silence and darkness and then suddenly a warm atmosphere. I opened my eyes and I was back at the mansion, in the dining room seated in a velvet couch. The rain batting against the glass doors and the white chandelier setting off multi colours. My clothes didn't feel wet anymore and I realised they weren't. Did she transport me?

Where is she tho?

I looked around and didn't find her but I did hear the blade breakers coming into the room.

"Hey Kai! U didn't have breakfast? ", asked Ray, his hair was open and he sighed after I didn't reply. He got a plate n set up breakfast for me while I just stared at him.

Suddenly he looks so attractive.. Wait what am I thinking..

At that moment it seemed as if I was fighting myself but I couldn't take it anymore, I was punching myself and I feel off the couch . Ray looked confused so he pulled my hands. His touch set me off on him.

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