School Drama 2

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Mariam's POV--------

"I..I didn't know you had a boyfriend", the yellow haired boy in front of me stuttered.

" Aah, well I do. Here he comes", I rolled my eyes at his incoming. His flashy silver hair looked more sparkly in the setting sun.

"Hey babe, going to work? ", he waved and took my hand in his. Whatever, it's not that charming!

" Ga..Garland? ", Max looked really shocked.

" Oops, I forgot. This guy is my bf", I replied sensing the awkward moment. Garland gave him a fake smile. Damn, what's the situation here? Is someone jealous?

"You guys are g..great together. And you have good taste too Garland", he said trying to laugh but his fist was clenched and sweat dripped from his knuckles. Definitely I can feel a green monster.

" Thank you, Max ", Garland replied and put his arm over me. He was just a few inches from my face but I pushed him hoping not to make Max more uncomfortable.

" I'll drive you there", he whispered in my ears.

"OK", I replied," Bye, Maxie ".

His face didn't look at me but he muttered a bye. Just as we were about to leave he shouted," Mariam, lemme treat you to dinner today, just to catch up?".

"Sure, will you come?", I asked the silver haired guy beside me.

" No thanks, honey", he replied and went and said something to Max.

"Bye, see ya", I waved and went away with Garland hugging me.

Huh, what a tiring relationship.

Tala's POV-----------

I ran away with a celebrity to bunk first class and she's worth a billion, guess who's after me?

Her bodyguards. Teachers. The Dean. The principal. Haha

" Hey, you OK with this? ", I asked as she pushed her glasses back.

" Obviously, what'd ya think? ", she replied smirking," But you're the one in trouble, not me "

"That's what you say to your savior?" I stopped waiting for an answer as we dodged fallen trees and made way for the small forest behind the school.

" Anyway this place is kinda unsafe for you", I half whispered. She laughed at my comment and headed for the lion's lair as they said the run down abandoned storehouse.

" Don't go in there, the school's.......... ", I stopped in my words as I saw an enormous boy appear out of the trees and looked at her.

" So, this is the underworld of this first class school? Classic!", she exclaimed. She's still a badass?

"What is a puny girl doing here? Boss, did you bring her? ", he asked and I face-palmed.

" So, you're the boss? That's the most lame joke I ever heard. ", she smirked turning to me. Why is she so creepy?

" Yeah, I'm...."

"Tala Valkov, think I have bad memory, eh?", she interrupted," Thought you'd be stronger after all these years but you're still a weakling".

"Oh yeah I am stronger, Chris", I argued not willing to be mocked by a filthy rich girl who also happened to be our childhood friend. Long story honestly.

She just shrugged," Can I join you? ".

" A girl! Haha ! No wait, a VIP girl", more people came from the back mocking at her expressionless face.

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