Get a life?

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Kai's POV--------

"No way, girl. It's a no can do", shouted Tyson as he got up with an angry face. Our coach's face turned quickly to his side and I could say Tyson felt a little scared at her expression.

" School? Seriously? And marks too? I don't go to school ya know", Daichi shrieked in His irritating voice.

"Your just a kid, it doesn't matter, you can cope up but they need to please me", our coach replied seating herself on the white sandy beach.

" I..I just went to school for a few days, I've got no idea what to do", said Ray as he fidgeted.

"I ain't doin any studyin and neither are you guys and we are so not gonna please you with marks. We are born to beyblade and beyblading is in our blood. We can't do school stuff....",

" Yawn! Yawn", our coach sighed interrupting Tyson's pep talk.

"You...", started Tyson but again she cut in.

" Take the help of that brunette girl, If she can't do it then I'll be your teacher", she said standing up to face Tyson who was like 5'7, a whole lotta taller than her. Tyson seemed to be in a deep thought but she, she was smiling as if she won a lottery.

How in the world did she figure out his secret? This girl has been with us for even less than 24 hours. She intelligent. He'll give in,now that Hillary's involved. People in love are so crazy.

"No! I won't disturb her", he sighed after the lull. Wow! He really seems to controlling his love for her.

" If you don't agree to my terms then you can't participate in the World Championship, kay", she said coolly," Especially that dual haired boy, you don't want Voltaire to be angry with you right? ".Now you got me, I ain't afraid of you anymore!

" Enough is enough! None of us can handle this", I marched up to her and grabbed her collar and lifted her off the ground,"If you weren't our coach or be so great at doing stunts and beyblading, you would've been dead meat
"Kai! Let go of her!", the boys shouted but little did I care. I looked at her threateningly but she seemed to be laughing. Your nerve!

" Haha! Do you think that I'm a joker doing tricks and wasting time? ", she laughed then out of the blue she punched me and I let go of her. She quickly grabbed my hands and put me on to the ground. No way!

" I thought you would be stronger but guess you're just taller, how dare you touch me Russian boy? Wait, you're the one who's Russian right? But aren't Russians very tall? You're kinda short.", she asked grinding her teeth. I could feel her fury up my spine.

"You're a midget, even Hillary's taller than you", I whispered, so only she could hear. The other fools were yelling something in the
back but my ears were dumb as I saw that expression on her face. She bit her lips so hard that a drop of blood trickled. Her cheekbones looked narrower and her face grew pale. She let go and me but I still lay on the sand.

" That was something! You know, the way she punched you and then on the ground....", Max chatted on waving his hand as if he saw a great show. Not really helping Max. But did non of the boys see her face?

She ignored him and ordered me," Stand up! I may be younger than you but you can't disrespect me!". I stood up and saw her return to her same old rude self and was gonna say something.

"Forgive him, he got angry and it's obvious that he would", replied Tyson before I could say anything. Thanks but I think that only made her angrier.

" Today, 7:00 pm with your books after this training", she scoffed ignoring me and Tyson.

"Woah! Wait a sec! We didn't agree on studying, did we?", Ray asked perplexed looking at me. I was getting more angry every second and thankfully they felt my anger.

" I can study !", said Kenny after his extensive silence.

" No,We didn't agree on studying. Sorry." Finally Max said something reasonable now, unlike all day.

"This argument is over the's like a loophole!", she said less forcefully as she took out her phone and dialed a number, " I'll deal with this crap tomorrow, five more minutes and the training will start again." She left us to go and sit at those sea arches kinda things. She's strong too, guess I really shouldn't have done something like that. I went overboard but so did she! Talking about Voltaire!

"Hey Kai, how'd it go beat up by a girl? ", Tyson mocked and put his arms around me.

" Stay out of this", I shrugged his arms off and started walking.

"I'm sure Kai's feelings got hurt and I know he didn't use much power at all, isn't it?", Ray asked as the others followed.

" Yeah of course ", I replied without eye contact.

" Your break will be finished after 5 minutes, ya know? So drink up", asked Kenny slurping Coke. He had a bag full of five more cans.

"Hey , I want one too! ", shouted Tyson who ran after him followed by Daichi and Max. I watched them go and sighed.

" You know Kai, they're still kids...we're still kids.... Forgive us", Ray said when the others were at a distance.

"But now....we're all big..we can't afford to do mistakes? ", I replied looking at the fools laughing at Kenny who spilled his drink.

" I think we should all get a life, I mean beyblade is our passion and all but I think the coach is right, we really need to take care of our future. What about you?", Ray asked. What does he mean by getting a life? Anything up Ray?

"This is normally not something you would say", I replied briefly and carefully observing his face. Guess he wants to change?

" Yeah but..........",

"Break is over! Get back to your positions", a voice shrieked pulling us out of our conversation.

" Later,kay?......."

Time Skip--------

"Hello Luna, busy day huh?", I asked the little furbal. She didn't reply and gave me a boring look. I understood at once what she wanted.

" Hey! I know you want to go with me but I can't take you, it must be really dull for you", I said but she didn't respond and went to the farthest corner of her basket.

"Today, the coach tired me out! She's kinda irritating, you remember her right?", I asked hoping if I talk about her earlier master, maybe she wouldn't be angry with me. She just meowed a bit and slumped up. Well no then.

"You know what? It's just 4, I'll clean up your mess later, let's go to the park,eh?", I asked looking at her. She turned to me and meowed happily. Mission accomplished!

Yo! This was a late update, I guess(sorry)😋😋 Thanx for reading my book guys..... Love ya lots

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