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"We should probably go home, my lovely fiancée" I whisper as we watch the boats float on the water below us. We haven't moved from our spot on the bridge, too stuck in the moment to do anything else.

"I don't want to leave yet. I don't want this feeling to end." She whispers back but shivers as the night wind brushes over our skin.

"It won't end my love. Wherever we are, we can feel like this. For the rest of our lives." I assure her and she turns her attention back to me, her eyes searching mine.

"What time is it?" She says quietly.

"Eleven." I inform her once I check my watch.

"Then we have time to visit your bench." She smiles sweetly and I laugh softly.

"What happened to not wanting to be out too late?" I tease but slip my fingers between hers anyway to lead her to the bench. I lift her hand and look at the ring on her finger before I move though. Wow.

"Baby?" She asks and I look back into her eyes. I smile when I see the smile on her face and lift her hand to my mouth, kiss the back of it then drop our clasped hands. I start our journey by leading her carefully off the bridge so she doesn't trip on the wooden planks in the dark. She swings our hands between us as we walk through the park and I playfully twirl her around a couple times. Once my bench comes into view I start skipping towards it, Lizzie following suit and our giggles continue. We both slump onto the bench and she cuddles up to my side when I wrap my arm around her.

"We met on this bench, and now we are engaged on this bench. I love my life." I state simply as my eyes scan the area. The memory of the beautiful stranger sitting next to me plays in my mind and my smile grows even more. At this point I don't think I've stopped smiling for hours.

"I love you." Lizzie returns and I look over to her.

"I love you." I whisper and she scrunches her nose before leaning over to peck my lips. I watch as she twists her ring on her finger as her hand rests on her thigh and her eyes stare off into the distance. "What are you thinking about?"

"You." She answers easily.

"What about me?" I push. She looks back at me and her eyes scan my face.

"How excited I am to be your wife." She states, her velvety voice makes butterflies fly in my tummy and I can't contain the huge smile that takes up my face.

"Wow. We're getting married." I reply and she nods, a sweet smile on her face.

"Is this going to be like when I asked you to be my girlfriend and you realized every 10 minutes. It was adorable how you just kept realizing and saying it." She recalls and I blush when I remember how giddy I was.

"I was excited. And I'm excited now. We get to plan a wedding now. How are we going to tell people?" I ask and she twists her lips in thought.

"I actually have an interview to promote the Marvel project soon. It's getting announced this week." She explains.

"I mean people already think we are engaged, but it's nice that it's actually true now." I point out and she nods as the gears turn in her head.

"I could probably post about it now that I have instagram back." She states.

"I love your instagram. It's probably the most adorable page on that platform." I flirt and she rolls her eyes.

"You're biased, you're my fiancée" She teases and I bite my lip to try and hide the giddy smile that wants to grow on my face.

"Say that again." I request. She looks over to me and smirks.

"You're my fiancée." She says slowly and I watch the way her mouth moves with the words.

I'm With You. ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now