Bow Tie.

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Dinner is now finishing up and I'm about ready to cut this bow tie off. I keep trying to take it off but Lizzie slaps my hands away every time. "Wait until after the family dances and cake cutting baby." She requests and I sigh but stop trying to take it off.

"Yes ma'am." I respond and she hides a small smile as she rolls her eyes.

"Just because we are married now it doesn't mean you have to do everything I say." She teases.

"I know, that's when you're pregnant." I offer and take the last bite of my pasta.

"Okay, that's correct." She confirms and kisses my cheek full of noodles. Just as I swallow and reach to finish off my champagne the DJ announces the next thing we have to do.

"Please welcome, the father of the bride." He offers and Lizzie and I both look to each other before looking to David standing on the dance floor with a microphone.

"Good evening everyone. Thank you all for coming. Before I get to dance with my beautiful Lizzie, I just wanted to offer one more toast." He starts and I laugh when Florence and Aubrey look at each other again before trying to get more champagne. Lizzie nudges me and I look back to her father. "Although I wasn't the most welcoming of their relationship, I am so happy to witness such a beautiful day. I am so grateful to Y/N for giving me a second chance, and pushing my stubborn daughter to as well. What I've learned in that second chance is that Y/N is the perfect person for Lizzie. She's patient, kind, attentive, incredibly smart, and loves with her entire heart without question. That's the kind of partner I always wanted for Lizzie. Y/N I know you will be the best wife for her, and I am so proud to call you my daughter. Lizzie, I love you so much and I'm so proud of you. Cheers." He finishes and Lizzie kisses my cheek before running over to her dad to give him a huge hug as their song plays. I watch as they dance and smile at Seb who sits in Lizzie's seat.

"Okay, he isn't that bad." Seb decides and I smirk over to him.

"He's good. He called me his daughter." I think out loud.

"He did. How does that feel?" Seb asks as he rests his arm on the back of my chair.

"You sound like Linda. Maybe I should go talk to her." I tease and he rolls his eyes. "It feels good. It makes me kind of nervous considering my track record with fathers but it feels nice that he is choosing me. That means he has to like me." I ramble.

"You say you are bad with fathers, but I've only heard about David and your dad. What other dads do you have issues with?" He asks.

"Maria's dad chased me out fo his house with a shoe in his hand, I was half naked. Anna's dad wasn't aware I was dating his daughter and when he found out he threatened the call the police. For what I'm not sure but yeah." I explain loosely.

"Oh my god, what the fuck? I need the full stories at some point." He requests through his laughs. I look over to Scarlett who is watching Lizzie and David dance. Rose notifies my observant stare and waves excitedly. I grin and wave her over. She throws a sneaky look to her mom before slipping out of her chair to come sit on my lap.

"Hey kid." Seb and I greet.

"Hi Auntie, hi uncle Seb." She greets back. "Do I really have to leave after cake?" She asks and I pout.

"If mama says so yes." I support Scarlett and she grumbles.

"But I want to stay with you and Auntie Lizzie." She complains.

"We ar leaving really early in the morning bub. So we won't be here to watch you." I explain and she sighs but seems to understand.

"I won't get to see you for two whole weeks. That's dumb." She complains again.

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