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I open up the package Matt left as Lizzie prepares dinner and smile at the printed photos from our wedding. There are some family photos, some of just Lizzie and I, and a bunch of candids from the reception. We look so fucking happy in all of them and I smile softly at the pictures of us with our friends and family. There are some beautiful pictures of Rose in duplicates so I give the extras to Scar of course. I show Lizzie the photos periodically and the smile on her face doesn't let up. We are both thinking about that day and reliving it through these photos is insanely fun.

"Matt is so good. I feel like he needs to do stuff other than photographing celebrities on the street. He really has an eye for this stuff." I comment and Scar hums in agreement. "Do celebrities have like personal photographers? Ones that travel with them for like their social media and stuff?" I ask wanting to hire Matt for us.

"Yes, lots do. That's how flawless candids get out. You can control the pictures that are circulating. Singers get them for tours and such too." Lizzie explains. I share a look with Scar to see if she knows where I'm going with this and she nods.

"What if we hired Matt? I mean he basically is already our personal photographer. But we could bring him when we travel and such. I feel like your team would like it since they want you to post more on Instagram and you have a big year coming up with your solo movie coming out. You'll be doing a lot of promo that will be fun to photograph and document." I pitch and Lizzie pauses somewhere in my speech to mull it over.

"Wait. Did you just make an educated suggestion about my career? Willingly?" She checks and I nod.

"Of course I did. I'm your wife and I want you to be successful and happy." I sweet talk but mean it 100%.

"Wow, I married a keeper." She winks at me before continuing to cook.

"So is that a yes?" I check.

"It's a let me talk to my team and I'll get back to you." She teases and presents salad to us. Scarlet scowls at the healthy option and gets up to look through our cabinets. She finds some gummies and dairy free ie cream to eat instead.

"I'm pregnant. I can eat whatever I want." She defends and we both shrug. "I really want this little booger to pop out already." She complains and rubs at the bottom of her tummy.

"Good news is if you go into labor here we have a go bag ready." I share and she gives Lizzie an incredulous look.

"Don't look at me, as soon as she was named godmother she got one put together." Lizzie shares and Scarlet softens.

"Aw, that's kind of cute. You're cute." She compliments and I blush.

"Did you just willingly and genuinely call me cute?" I ask, completely surprised.

"I did, don't get used to it though." She warns before kissing my cheek. Lizzie smirks at my confusion and continues to eat her salad. The oven beeps and she turns to take out whatever she was cooking. "I knew there had to be something else!" Scarlett sighs in relief when she sees the Mac and cheese.

"Scar thats dairy." I warn.

"It's actually non-dairy babe." Lizzie corrects me. "I used vegan cheese." She adds on.

"Oh okay. Here Scar." I push my bowl over to her and she gladly eats mine too. Lizzie gives me a confused look. "Vegan cheese is nasty." I inform her and she rolls her eyes.

"So what are you two up to now?" Scarlet inquires and Lizzie and I share a look as we both think over our upcoming year.

"Uh, I have some photo shoots and stuff to do here. Y/N has a fall fashion show and starts her curriculum job." Lizzie shares and gives me a slight warning look. Okay so she doesn't want to share the kids part yet.

I'm With You. ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now