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"Smush your mother wants a divorce." I say dramatically and flop onto the couch. He licks my hand and crawls onto my chest to kiss my face.

"No I don't, I just said that I don't want to watch Endgame." She defends.

"Same thing!" I yell up at the ceiling and fake cry. She huffs and grabs the remote.

"You're so annoying. Fine. Only because I'm barely in it." She concedes and I jump up to dance on the couch.

"Yay!" I plop back down next to her and give her a bunch of cheek kisses as Clint shows up on the screen.

"Rose is coming over soon though so we won't be able to finish it." She reminds me and I nod, my eyes glued to the scene. She runs her hand through my hair and I shift to lay my head in her lap. I peek up at her and see the soft smile on her face. I smile back and turn my face to kiss her thigh before I turn my attention back to the screen. Her soft caresses through my hair and on my cheek almost lull me to sleep, but when our door swings open and a little voice squeals in excitement I wake up quickly.

"Auntie Y/N, Auntie Lizzie!" She greets and climbs onto the couch to join our cuddle. I hug her close and Lizzie giggles as she slides off the couch when I lift my head.

"Where are you going?" I pout as she walks over to Scarlett.

"Scarlett and I have stuff to do." She explains and I narrow my eyes at them.

"But she's my Best Woman." I complain and they both roll their eyes.

"Well I'm stealing her for the day. Deal with it." Lizzie concludes and I grumble.

"Fine, Rose and I will have the most fun without you two losers." I tease and Rose jumps up to give each woman a hug. Suck up.

"My sisters are meeting us there and Clay and mom will FaceTime in." Lizzie says to Scarlett but I hear it.

"Wait. What are you doing today? Are you finding a dress?" I ask and Lizzie gives me a blank look. "You're not going to tell me? That's rude." I pout and she rolls her eyes. She walks back to me and kisses my lips a couple times before walking to the door where a smirking Scarlett waits. "Traitor!" I yell at her and she winks.

"Take care of my kid!" She yells back as she closes the door.

"Can we build the Avenger's tower while we watch? There are scary parts." Rose asks and I give her a huge smile.

"That is the best idea I have ever heard, bug." I get the box and bring it out into the living room so we can build on the coffee table.

"That's a bad word. They say lots of bad words in this movie." Rose mentions as Antman says America's Ass and I nod.

"Bad words are fun, but you aren't allowed to say them until you're like 16." I decide.

"Mommy says 18 because then I'll be an adult." She amends.

"Well when you're at Aunties house you only have to be 16." I shrug and she smiles at me. I wink at her and get up to get some snacks. We keep kid snacks for Rose stocked up, but mostly for me, so I bring some goldfish and fruit snacks over with some juice boxes. We continue to build the tower but I get distracted by the Vormir scene.

"I don't like this scene. Can we skip it?" Rose requests and I nod. I fast forward through the scene and lean over to kiss Rose's head.

"Alright Rosie Posey, only a few pieces left and we can add it onto our table." I tell her and she bounces in excitement. I help her put the last few pieces in their places and she claps happily. I head into the office and over my desk. It has become where our lego city is living so Lizzie and I share a desk now. I ordered a shorter table for the other side of my desk but it hasn't come in yet. I make sure there is a clear spot then head back out to help Rose bring it in. Once it's in place Rose scrambles onto my desk chair and looks at our growing city.

I'm With You. ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now