Beach Day.

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I push my toes deeper into the sand and wiggle them to watch the sand fall off a couple times as Lizzie lays on her beach chair beside me. I look over to her a couple times before picking up my book again to continue reading Young Avengers the Children's Crusade. I get distracted by the waves and the pretty sound they make and look back at Lizzie.

"Lizzie, my love, light of my life." I start and she looks over as a smile grows on her face.

"Yes, Y/N, love bug, my soulmate for life?" She returns in a slightly mocking tone.

"Will you go swimming with me?" I ask before pouting slightly. She grins and bites her lip.

"Okay, let's go." She prompts and a scramble to my feet and bounce on my toes as she takes off her hat and sunglasses. She grabs my hand and tugs me out to the water that is slightly wavy since it's windy today. Once we get close enough I stop as the waves touch my ankles. Lizzie pauses to turn back to me when she can't move anymore due to our clasped hands. "You okay?" She asks.

"Uh, this is a lot of waves." I say timidly and she nods slowly.

"Are you scared?" She asks gently and I blush as I nod subtly. "Come on, you'll be fine." She assures me and I take a few more steps to catch up to her. She leads me out until the waves hit our hips and I stop moving again.

"This is good. I'm good here." I decide and she giggles before turning to face me.

"We can stay here." She confirms and rests her hand on the skin of my tummy. She squeezes my hand that is still clasped in hers and looks up at my face while I observe the waves around us. "Have you ever been to the ocean?" She asks.

"Uh, no. I lived on a lake. I went to a beach in Rhode Island once but it was too cold to swim. I went to Ocean City Maryland for nationals one year but was too busy dancing for the beach." I explain as my eyes continue to watch the waves coming our way.

"So this is very new to you." She says simply and I nod. "Well you're a good swimmer and spent a lot of time on the lake as a kid, I think you'll be fine." She assures me and it makes me feel a little better. After all we are just standing in one spot.

"That's true I guess. We don't have to go deeper right?" I ask and look into her sparkly eyes that reflect off the water to appear even more green than usual.

"No baby, we don't have to. It's a good temperature though." She comments and I nod in agreement. I skim the water with my free hand and shuffle a little deeper. She follows easily and smiles softly as she wraps her arm around my hips. I smile and mirror her action to keep her close as our eyes connect.

"You have pretty eyes." I whisper and watch as they scrunch due to her insanely gorgeous smile.

"Thank you bug, you have a pretty smile." She returns as her eyes flicker down to the smile on my lips.

"They look a little more blue right now because of the water. Did you know one is a slightly different color?" I ask as I continue to observe the galaxies in her eyes.

"Mhm, only sometimes." She confirms. "One is slightly smaller than the other and I hate it." She complains and I frown.

"But you have the prettiest eyes in the world." I defend and she bites the inside of her cheek in attempts to hide her smile. "You said that in your Bobby brown video." I comment and she blushes.

"You've seen that?" She checks and I nod.

"Of course I have, you're fucking adorable how could I not watch it fifty times a week?" I tease and she rolls her eyes.

"I hope you're exaggerating." She whines before resting her forehead on my sternum.

"Only slightly. Can we go back now I want to read my book and the waves are scary." I ask and she giggles before pulling me back out of the water.

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