Wedding Night.

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The DJ starts playing his playlist so everyone could get up and dance now that all the formal stuff is over with. He plays Celebrate first of course and everyone fills the dance floor. Rose finds Lizzie and I so I pick her up to dance with her, knowing she will have to leave soon. Her giggles fill my ears and I can't help but laugh along with her. Lizzie dances with Scarlett before they head off to take her skirt off finally. When they return Lizzie looks much more comfortable.

Once the song is over Scarlett gives Rose a look that means it's time. We both pout but I head downstairs with them. "Who's taking her home?" I ask.

"Uncle Hunter is visiting." Rose informs me and I nod.

"So I get to meet your twin?" I ask Scarlett as she helps Rose get changed into her pj's.

"Yup. Congrats." She deadpans and I choose to ignore it. No angering the pregnant lady. I walk down with them to make sure Rose gets in the car okay with Hunter. He was very sweet and we bonded over him going to the University of Vermont and NYU. He offered his congrats as well. Rose gives me a long hug since she won't be seeing Lizzie or I for a while and when Lizzie runs out of the door she beams and jumps into her arms.

"You can't leave without an Auntie Lizzie hug." My wife says to her and twirls her around. Once we get our hugs in Rose gets into the car and cuddles up to her uncle. We all wave until we can't see the car then turn to head back upstairs. Alicia smiles and offers a congrats as we pass so we high five on the way by. On the elevator ride up Lizzie rests her head onto my shoulder.

"So Scar, are you having fun?" I ask and she nods.

"I am, but I'm fading fast. I'm so tired." She reveals.

"If you need to take a nap or go home we don't mind." Lizzie offers.

"No no, I'm okay. I'll probably sit with Colin for a while before dancing some more." She assures us as we head up to the roof. Flo finds us and pulls Lizzie and I out onto the dance floor as You Shook Me All Night Long starts playing. RDJ also perks up since it's AC/DC and we all start dancing with each other screaming the lyrics. When the guitar solo starts I drop to my knees to dramatically perform an air guitar solo. The twins pull me up once it's done and I dance with them for a while before I notice Scarlett coming over. Sexyback starts playing as I intercept her and start to dance with her. She smiles and dances with me without much complaining and laughs when I playfully roll my hips around.

The next song is a slow one so all the couples pull each other close. I smile when a pair of hands slide onto my hips and turn to face my wife. I pull her close and she rests her head onto my shoulder. "I love you." She whispers and I turn to kiss her forehead.

"I love you more." I whisper back and we continue to dance in silence to I Was Made For Loving You. After that Uptown Funk plays and I'm pulled to dance with Abi while Paul and Lizzie dance like goofs with each other. It's really fun that everyone is dancing in a mess of bodies on our roof, everyone having fun. Somehow it turns into a dance circle and I playfully do the sprinkler and the robot before pulling RDJ in. He does is weird vogue thing then points to Mackie. Mackie shows us his smooth moves before tagging in my brother Tony who shows off his backflip. Flo playfully does a forward roll to mock him then does the coffee grinder. Evans does the running man of course and then Renner does some goofy ass shit with a completely serious look on his face. All throughout the dance off we are laughing and cheering each other on. Kathryn finishes us off with some fantastic dancing.

Fun songs continue to play and we all continue to dance. I excuse myself from dancing with Aubrey to go get a drink. I sip on my sex on the beach for a couple seconds before Lizzie joins me. "Hey, Mrs. Olsen. Having fun?" She asks.

I'm With You. ~ Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now