Chapter 3- Gone with her mind

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(TW: this chapter contains mentions of eating and lack of consuming- read off your own accords)

Odette Viotto-

Odette was barely registering what her Gryffindor friend was speaking quietly to her in their potions lesson they shared.

A few words she did however manage to take notice of were "Harry", "elder wand", "not coming back" and "haven't heard from him in a while".

It became known to the year that our saviour himself was not returning to Hogwarts to finish the year he had missed, rather he pursuit his desire to become an auror within the ministry- thanks to his unforgettable reputation, it would seem bizarre for he to not acquire a position without his seventh year.

"He hasn't spoken to me or Ron since the day of the battle, aside sending us a letter when we were in Australia informing he wouldn't be joking us in September" Hermione spoke to the obviously out of it dark haired girl.

Odette didn't mean to be rude by paying no mind to what her friend was saying, but she couldn't help but allow her mind to wander as she scanned over to people within the dingy dungeon classroom.

She noticed the absences first, Lavender Brown being first to come to mind as she glanced over at the empty seat aside Parvati Patil.

Every now and then she would watch as Parvati would laugh alongside her Ravenclaw twin, turn to speak to the empty chair and her expression wither.

Odette felt sorrowful towards her, knowing it must be difficult to come to terms with.

The dungeon classroom had certainly lightened up compared to prior years, with Professor Slughorn teaching, the class was more enjoyable to most.

He wouldn't, unlike other professors, threaten to poison us if our potions weren't to the required standards- though he did falter in praising only the brightest and famous above all.

When the bell rang signalling the conclusion of today's lessons, Odette rose and exited alone- her mind wandering as she ascended the stairs back to the upper floors.

Despite her surroundings feeling familiar, she couldn't help but feel lost within the stone walls of sorrow.

Her feet carried her out of the castle and out to the grounds surrounding- not halting in their journey until she reached the threateningly dark lake, tossing her belongings down on the grass before sitting down just a few inches from the shore.

Odette hoped she'd feel some form of pacific in the midst of nature, surrounded by songbirds singing sweet tunes, and the therapeutic crashing of waves beyond her.

The air was warm against the exposed skin of her face and neck, smelling of sweet flowers and summer scents.

It was then she managed to feel some form of serene, allowing her mind to trail off to the sound of her surroundings.

But just as quick as it came, it passed by like a cold breeze.

The moment she closed her eyes she was met with destruction and chaos, rubble and decay- the memory of screams flooded her ears, the feeling of remorse washed over her like an icy wave- drenching Odette in trepidation of her school.

Despite the darkest wizard of all time, the antagonist of Odette and many others trauma, blowing away in the wind that dreadful day- the sudden notion of upcoming disaster struck within her.

But what was the fear? There seemed to be nothing else to worry about anymore.

Every death eater had been sentenced, every ally traced- so why did Odette feel unsettled in her familiar world, threatened by the sentimental return and calm of it all.

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