Chapter 49- Old habits die hard

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(!!TW!! This chapter has mentions of death, blood, drug abuse, violence and many other upsetting topics)

(!!TW!! This chapter has mentions of death, blood, drug abuse, violence and many other upsetting topics)

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My father broke my heart long before any boy had the chance to.


Thinking of him was a poison she found herself indulging without complaint every waking moment of every day, a biting elixir that stung and stabbed her deep within, a war between life and death.

He was a drug, an addictive substance she abused herself with happily... yet apprehensively.

Because with every dose, came more care for the boy... came more to lose... came more to be taken from her grasp when it was only in hers momentarily.

Violence, terror, and chaos; they three words summed up Odelia Lilith Viotto's life to the tee.

She refused to care for anyone, to allow her vulnerability to be taken from her, infused by someone who could leave as quickly as they came.

Her morals, as stern as they were, were lost when she fell mesmerised by those silver eyes.

There were few things she truly loved in the world, such as the sound a songbird sings in the early mornings of a new spring, or the smell of the rain on a hot summer day.

She felt love for a handful of people, but not the type of affection a husband has for a wife, but one where she'd stick a knife in someone's throat if they hurt those she cares deeply for.

But the sight of the lifeless boy with crimson in pale white hair, the affection she had never experienced let itself known within her.

It was like the smell after rain intensified by a bolt of occasional lightening in the storm, a harmonious song sung by angelic birds that carried in the warm spring wind.

A feeling of dread in the form of a hand clenching at her heart, claiming it as it's own— a constant worry of losing that one person she cared for, somehow managed to obtain.

It wasn't just her who knew she had a deep affection for her Slytherin companion, those stood around the pair noticed the way they constantly stared at each other too long to be just friends.

The wind carried hope as it blew her shadow of stygian hair away from her pale face, the orange light casted by the rising sun behind the rolling hills gave the illusion of golden tears falling effortlessly from her verdant eyes.

"Do you want to sit up?" her voice was strained from her pleads to a higher power that the boy within her arms was brought back to her.

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