Chapter 11- Salvation or prison?

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Odette Viotto-

Any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.

- Homer, The lliad

Her eyes scanned around her surroundings.

She wasn't in Hogwarts anymore.

Her eyes scanned over trees upon trees, snow covered grass spread as far as her eyes could see.

No sound of civilisation could be heard, it became evident she was far from any human being.— The only sounds were the chirping of birds, the rustle of leaves in the winter breeze, and the distance running of a flowing river.

Where was she? How did she get here?

That's when she realised, the person who grabbed her wrist apperated her here.

Her head shot behind her, her eyes falling on the Head Boy who stood staring at her with a distasteful frown on his face.

Odette rose to her feet, shivering from the harsh weather conditions- she wasn't dressed for the climate, having ditched her robe in the madness back at Hogwarts, leaving her in just her grey cardigan, shirt, skirt and tights to try provide heat.

"Why did you bring me here!" She yelled at him, irritation laced in her voice.

"You're behind this." Was all Malfoy scoffed, staring deadly daggers at the raven haired girl.

"What?!" Odette exclaimed, shocked by his declaration.

"You sent the mist, you sent those people to Hogwarts, I knew it! I knew you were up to something!" He declared in a stern manner, seemingly unaffected by the frosty air despite his bare attire.

"No I did not! Where on earth did you get such an idea from! And even if I had, why bring me to the middle of bloody nowhere!" She glowered, her hands tightening into fists.

"Sneaking off at night to Moaning Myrtle's lavatory, reading up on topics hidden within the restricted section of the library! Seems pretty fucking obvious!" He continued to proclaim.

Odette scoffed, rolling her new spring eyes, "didn't take you for the stalker type, Malfoy".

"I wasn't stalking, I was monitoring," he corrected spitefully.

"You're supposed to monitor halls, not girls-" Odette spoke, her voice drenched in venom.

"I knew you were up to no good, and here's the bloody proof".

He held up one of the books Odette had taken from the library the night he caught her:

Dark curses and hexes for the wicked and cruel

A proud smirk danced its way over his ghostly white face, thinking he had cracked some advance case.

Odette chuckled, shaking her head as she looked around her surroundings once again.

The Head Boy's smirk faltered as she laughed, irritated that she wasn't on her knees pleading for his forgiveness and claiming her innocence as he had suspected.— "What's so funny, Viotto?".

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