Chapter 1

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My body pressed against his firmly. My knife plunged into a walker's skull.  There was a whole herd, threatening to separate us. I gripped my last throwing knife tightly, throwing it into a walker's skull. 

"Rori, do not break formation!" Will yelled but it was too late. I jumped forward and ripped two of my knives out of walkers. I quickly ran backwards so my back was pressed against Will's. He held my hand with one of his own. "You've got to go!"

"I'm not leaving you!" I shouted over the gurgling of walkers.

"One of us has to make it out alive," Will said. I gripped a walker's shoulder and plunged a knife into its skull.

"Yeah, and it'll be you!"

"No, Rori. Your parents could still be out there. Mine aren't. Rori, go. Find love and forget about me," Will said. His voice didn't hold fear like mine. Instead, it held confidence.

"I'm staying here and helping. I don't care if I end up dead," I argued firmly. At this point I was numb. I had been numb since two days after the prison. That was almost a week and a half ago.

"Ror bear, I know you are upset but you should eat something," Will told me, shoving some beef jerky in my face. I moved my head away from the food, my eyes staring at the embers of our fire. Will let you a small sigh. "Come on. For me."

"I don't gotta do shit for you," I snapped. Will wasn't expecting it and a shocked look spread across his face. "Sorry."

"Don't apologize. You're going through a rough time," Will said. 

"It feels like I'll never get over his death," I whispered, my voice cracking. I didn't cry. No, I was far past that point. Will set down the beef jerky and laid down next to me. He pulled me down with him. The ground was hard and cold but it was all we had.

"I know. But you will. Things will get better. Even if it doesn't seem like it now," Will said. I went to say something but broke out into a coughing fit. I sat up and cover my mouth. Will sat up and patted my back. 

"Better?" Will asked once I stopped coughing. 

"Much better," I nodded, laying back down. Will wrapped his arm around me protectively. 


"Is the fire out?" I asked Will as we got ready to leave the forest. Will had found a small farmhouse not too far away from here.

"Yes. Are you sure you want to go to the farmhouse?" Will asked. He was concerned it would feel too much like Grandpa's farm.

"Don't really have a choice," I shrugged. 

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