Chapter 46

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I couldn't move

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I couldn't move. Not even when mom stood on shaky feet, and Rick told her she should sit. I stared off blankly. Everything felt like a hazy mess to me and I was hardly paying attention. That was until I felt a hand on my arm. Still off in my own daze, I looked to the side. It was Carl. I could see his lips moving, but to me, there was no sound. All I could do was stare at him. And then there was another hand on my other arm. That one was Matt's. I pushed myself to my feet, ignoring the boys. In a daze, I stumbled over mom, wrapping my arms around her weak frame. I felt like I wasn't really here. Like I was a ghost. I could feel everything, the hands on my body, mom's shaking frame, but I couldn't hear anything. I just stared at my dad's dead body. 

She pulled away from me, standing up to hug Carl. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. We were supposed to grow old, and be happy. Carl and Rick picked up dad's dead body, or what was left. I stood to my feet, wrapping an arm around my mom as I snapped back into reality. I had to get her to hilltop, no matter how bad I felt. I didn't have a choice, so that's what I did. It was a long ride, and very tiring, but I did it nonetheless. Sasha came with us though, which helped a lot.


"So, when will she be awake?" I asked, looking at my sleeping mom. A blanket was tightly wrapped around my shoulders. The doctor said I had gone into shock and that was why I have been feeling sick to my stomach for a while. I had even thrown up once but the doctor was kind enough to hold my hair back and comfort me, and for that I was thankful. 

"It's hard to say. Could be any minute now or it could be a couple more hours," the doctor told me. It returned to silence for a few more minutes before we saw mom's eyes flutter open. 

"Welcome back," Dr. Carson greeted as mom rolled onto her back. 

"Rori," Mom's hoarse voice called out, reaching around blindly.

"I'm here, Mom," I told her, grabbing onto her hand. Her eyes latched onto me before looking back at the doctor.

"Do you remember me? I'm Dr. Carson. You're at Hilltop colony. You've been asleep for a while. You suffered from the condition abruption placenta. It's a separation of the placenta from uterus. It's unusual this early, but, uh, could be caused by trauma. Possibly the bruises on your abdomen-"

"Did I-I...Lose?" Mom trailed off, looking at the ceiling. 

"No," Dr. Carson shook his head. "Separation was small. Baby's heart rate is normal. Here, listen." Dr. Carson reached over, grabbing the wand connected to the machine and placing it on mom's stomach. The baby's heart rate filled the quiet air. "There it is. Now, you need to take it easy for a few days. You don't want to exacerbate the separation anymore. And I really think you need to stay here for the duration of your pregnancy. If anything else happens, I can take care of it. You have any questions?"

"Mom, take it easy," I said as she sat up. Dr. Carson jumped into action, placing his hands on her shoulders gently. 

"Can you say that again?" Mom asked, breathing heavily. 

"What?" Dr. Carson asked, confused. 

"Everything you just said." Dr. Carson and I shared a glance before he repeated everything he just said. 

"I want to talk to Sasha," Mom decided, standing up. 

"Easy," Dr. Carson said helping her to her feet. Mom slowly made her way outside, and I moved to follow her. 


"Rori, please," I interrupted, turning to look at the doctor. 

"Okay, Rori, I wanted to talk to you. I noticed you're walking with a limp," Dr. Carson observed. 

"Yeah, I, uh...A while back I was shot in the hip. I guess it still bothers me sometimes. Only when I walk or do too much physical activity," I explained to him.

"Mind if I take a look?" The doctor asked.

"It's okay, really," I tried but the doctor wasn't having it. 

"Please, I insist." The doctor motioned to the bed Mom had previously laid in. 

"Alright, but quick," I told him, walking over and laying on the bed. 

"Where is the wound at?" The doctor asked, rubbing some hand sanitizer on his hands. I pulled up my shirt, unbuttoning my pants. I pulled them down just enough so he could see the scar. He gently touched the wound, to which I winced. 

"Hm, it doesn't look like there is much I can do. It looks like it needed surgery after the initial injury, but seeing as you said that was a while ago, the most I can offer you is some ice and a pain killer," the doctor explained to me. He walked over to a drawer and pulled out a bottle. 

"Thank you," I smiled gently, buttoning my pants. The doctor came back with a small glass of water and a pill. Quickly, I popped the pill in my mouth and washed it down with some water. 


Later that night, Mom had explained to me that we were leaving in the morning. Jesus was going with us to make sure we got home safe. Mom gently knocked on the door of a small trailer. 

"Come in!" We heard Jesus's voice on the other end. Mom pulled the odor open, walking in first. 

"I made the bed for you guys and laid out some clothes. They're mine, so they're more utility than comfort," Jesus told us.

"It's okay. We won't be here much longer," Mom replied. 

"I'm sorry, about all of it. I'm gonna see what I can do," Jesus said. I smiled gratefully before walking over to the table.

"Can I sit?" I asked. 

"Yeah, of course," Jesus nodded quickly, and I pulled out the chair before sitting in it. 

"Hm. Why do you burn your dead?" Mom asked Jesus.

"The idea was just to keep going," Jesus said quietly. 

"What do you have to remember 'em by?" Mom questioned. 

"Us," Jesus replied and silence washed over us for a moment. "I'll see you in the morning." With that, he walked out of the room, and Sasha and Mom came to sit around the table.

"Now what?" Mom asked Sasha, to which she chuckled. 

"Maybe we stay. What can Gregory do?" Sasha asked with a smirk.

"He's in charge," Mom said with a shake of her head.

"He's an idiot," Sasha said.

"He's a coward. They're more dangerous. We have the night. Let's think on it. Things will be clearer in the mornin'," mom said and Sasha nodded.

 Things will be clearer in the mornin'," mom said and Sasha nodded

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