Chapter 61

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After I could stop crying, Rick helped me dig up a hole and bury Matt

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After I could stop crying, Rick helped me dig up a hole and bury Matt. We made a large cross out of wood to mark his grave. Not that I'd probably ever come back, but just so I knew where he was. The empty streets were starting to fill with walkers slowly, so we moved quickly. Carl, Theo, and I went to go back to the Damaris's house and collect some things while Rick and Michonne went to the Grime's house. 

Luckily, both were still standing and only down the street from each other. 

"I got it," Carl said, quietly, passing Theo over to me before pulling out his knife, moving to stab a walker in his head. I watched blankly as it fell to the ground, continuing to walk when it was safe. Carl took the lead, opening the front door for me.

"Thanks. Take Theo to fill a backpack with his stuff, will 'ya? I'm gonna go look around the boy's room," I explained.

"Sure," Carl nodded, taking Theo from me once more. I watched them descend upstairs, rubbing my sore eyes before heading to the hall closet. I pulled it open, grabbing the first backpack I saw. It was a medium-sized backpack. After deeming it good enough to hold the stuff I needed, I headed upstairs. 

I could hear the quiet voices of Carl and Theo as I reached the top. Will's room was closest to the stairs, and the door was closed. Slowly, I pushed it open. It felt weird going into his room. I hadn't been in it since before he died.

It looked normal, clean- besides the clothes spilling out of his closet. I stood in the middle of the room feeling awkward. Without much thought, I strode across the room, pulling out one of his flannel. I shoved it in the bag before moving to Matt's room. True to his word, the throwing knives he had talked about were on his bed.  There was a stack of letters next to it, too. 

I sighed, moving to sit on the bed. I picked up the letter, shuffling through it. There were letters for me, Theo, Carl, Rick, and even Negan. I froze, staring at the letter with Negan's name scribbled on it. Why the hell would he write for Negan? I sighed, placing it in the bag with all the other ones before gently picking up the knives wrapped in leather. I set those in the bag as well. 

"Yeah?" I looked up where there was a knock on the open door. Carl stood there with Theo in his arms, a small backpack on Theo's back. 

"Ready to go? We've got to meet my parents at our house," Carl said.

"Yeah," I said, zipping the backpack and swinging it on my back. "Let's go."

"You okay?" Carl whispered in my ear, gently swinging his free arm over my shoulders.

"I will be," I nodded, walking down the stairs. I took one look around the house before heading to the porch, pulling the door shut for the last time. The wooden porch squeaked under the weight of my combat boots. Walkers stumbled toward us, but we walked faster than them. Moving quickly, we made it to the Grimes's house. Rick and Michonne were loading up a van. 

"You kids ready to go?" Michonne asked.

"Mhm," I said, throwing my bag n the back.

"Walker," Carl called out, placing Theo in the back.

"I got it," I sighed, pulling out a knife.


"I got it, Rick," I snapped, pressing my hand firmly on the walker's rotten shoulder. I drove my knife into his head, letting it fall to the ground before tucking the knife back into its spot. I turned back to the boys and Michonne, walking back to them. "Let's go." 

"You three good back there?" Rick asked as I climbed into the back of the van.

"Yeah," I heard Carl say before he too climbed in, pulling the doors shut. I moved to sit with my back pressed to the wall separating the adults and us. Theo curled up next to me, his mop of blonde hair falling in my lap. Carl came to sit on the side Theo wasn't on, gently curling his fingers around my hand. He gently kissed my head as Theo's eyes drifted shut. 

"I'm sorry," Carl whispered after a few minutes of silence. I sucked in a deep breath before answering.

"For what?" I asked.

"For him," Carl said, emphasizing the word 'him'. I knew exactly who he was talking about when he said this. Matthew Damaris. The soul we lost early this morning.

"Don't. It wasn't your fault," I told him, gently brushing Theo's hair out of his eyes.

"Don't blame yourself, Rora," Carl said.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm not," I scoffed quietly. 

"We all know what you're like when someone dies," Carl explained, gently shifting beside me.

"I'm not that bad," I argued, refusing to look at him.

"You need your Mom. I know you miss her."

"Yeah, well, I'll see her and my little brother soon enough. Besides, I'm content with you guys," I said before adding, "I want Negan dead."

"What?" Carl gave me a shocked look as the words left my mouth.

"You heard me."

"Rori, you can't-"

"He ruined my life," I interrupted. "Killed my Dad, kidnapped me, and set our home on fire. So, I want him dead. I don't care what it takes. One way or another, he will be dead. And I know that's not what you want, but I can't do this anymore. I need him gone. Out of my life."

Carl stayed quiet, gently taking off his hat and resting his cheek against the top of my head. "I'm not gonna say I support you, but I understand. I wanted the governor dead like you want Negan dead, and you stood by my side. So, I'll do the same. Aurora, I love you. To the moon and back."

"I love you too, Carl Grimes. Forever. And that'll never change no matter what happens." 

I could sense Carl smiling, even with my eyes glued to Theo's sleeping form and if I hadn't already known I was in love with Carl Grimes, I'd say this was the moment I knew I was in love with him.

I could sense Carl smiling, even with my eyes glued to Theo's sleeping form and if I hadn't already known I was in love with Carl Grimes, I'd say this was the moment I knew I was in love with him

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