Chapter 64

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The sun was beginning to set, leaving a light glow on our faces

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The sun was beginning to set, leaving a light glow on our faces. Enid made sure to get Theo a meal while Rick headed out to be on the lookout for Negan. And I, I snuck around back to blow off some steam. I chucked my last throwing knife into a tree, its blade jamming into the bark. I sighed, heading over to the tree and ripping out one of the knives. Upon hearing someone behind me, I swung around, holding the blade to their throat.

"Jeez, chill out. It's just me," Carl sighed.

"Sorry," I said, turning to remove the remaining knives from the tree.

"Your Mom, Michonne, Rosita, and Enid are heading out. They found some note with coordinates on it," Carl explained, crossing his arms. I lined up the knife with the tree, throwing it. 

"That's stupid. Could be the Saviors," I scoffed.

"It's not," Carl said.

"Fine. I'm going with," I said, tucking the rest of my knives away.

"Rori, that wasn't the point. I was just telling you," Carl said. I ignored him, heading around the large building. I noticed the three girls were standing by a car.

"Mom," I called out, jogging to reach her quickly.

"Hey, Rori," She smiled gently.

"I'm coming with you," I said with no room for argument. I watched as her eyes moved from me to Carl.

"Why don't you stay here? Help keep an eye on things," Michonne suggested.

"No. Carl can do that. I'm coming with," I said, pushing past her and climbing into the car.


"No, Mom. I'm coming with. Carl will be just fine here, won't you Car?" I asked, looking up at him. He stayed silent for a moment before nodding his head.

"See? Now, let's go," I said, pulling the door closed. Enid came around the other side, climbing into the backseat with me.

"Rori, do you have your gun on you?" Mom asked as Rosita pulled out the gates of Hilltop. They slowly closed behind us.

"Yeah, I always have it on me," I said.

"Good. We don't know who we're dealing with but we know it's not the Saviors," Rosita said, glancing in the review mirror. "When we get there, I'll hide in the woods so we have the element of surprice.

"Make a left turn here," Mom ordered, glancing at the coordinates. We traveled down a straight road for a while before finally making it to the destination. I glanced at Enid before getting out of the car, the other three girls following. I clicked off the safety of my gun as Rosita disappeared into the forest. Soon enough, I was watching three people climb out of the van in front of us. It wasn't a normal van, instead, it had monster truck wheels. In front of it were two people in camo and then one older woman in a church outfit.

"My name is Georgie, and these are my friends, Hilda and Midge," the older woman said, pointing from herself to the person on her left and then the person on her right. "And you are?" We stayed silent, not wanting to speak. Georgie nodded before saying, "Suspicious. But curious enough to see what I have to offer for food and music. I do hope the record are music. I don't accept spoken word. If you're out here, you know you can take care of yourself and I like that. I don't care to share this with the weak.

"Good," Mom said as Rosita came out from her hiding spot with her gun aimed. Georgie looked at Rosita and then back at us with a soft smile. "Enid." Enid stepped forward, gun pointed, and Midge as she approached him. Her and Rosita took the guns and weapons off the two as I approached Georgie. 

"Got any weapons on you?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I do not, no," Georgie told me. I tucked my gun into its holster, patting down Georgie. Once I knew she was clear, I took my gun out and pressed it against her skull.

"Try something and you're dead," I warned her.

"Rori." Enid grabbed my arm, pulling my gun from Georgie's skull, nodding at Mom.

"Give us what you have," Mom ordered.

"I'm afraid I can't do that," Georgie smiled softly. "I come bearing knowledge to trade. Essential knowledge for the future, primarily in my head, and, uh, I prefer to keep that where it is."

"Yeah, till I blow it out of your head," I threatened.

"You're trading knowledge," Michonne said, ignoring my comment.

"That's what I have," Georgie replied. "I've made the same offer before. Fill the crates, get the knowledge. Simple as that. It's not a trick, just a fair trade. I promise you."

"It's an act of benevolence," Hilda chimed in, arms crossed firmly.

"Why would you do that?" Mom asked.

"What else should I do?" Georgie asked innocently.

"Rosita," Mom said, eyes locked on Georgie. Rosita took the hint, running over to the van and beginning to rummage through it.

"What's in there isn't part of the deal," Georgie said.

"There is no deal," Mom said, Rosita appeared in her original spot, gun aimed at Georgie.

"How many communities have you found?" Rosita asked, causing Georgie to look at her.

"Communities like yours? Not many at all," Georgie shook her head, turning back to Mom. "And not one for a very long time. What you have is special, unusual. The dead have brought out our best and worst, and the worst has been outpacing the best lately, but that won't last forever."

"It won't," Midge shook her head.

"If, perhaps, people can believe in people again, four crates of goods is worth far less than a sustainable future and perhaps an exercise in trust. I know, trust probably sounds like a made-up word now, like flivverschticky," Georgie said.

"Or klompf," Hilda added, nodding.

"Or moisture," Midge said.

"Shut up," I snapped, gun still aimed at Midge's head.

"Stop. This isn't real. No way anyone survives going around doing what you say you're doing," Enid said.

"But we do," Georgie nodded. "And we will because I can divine that you are a fine group, manners notwithstanding."

"Who cares about manners in the fucking apocalypse," I scoffed.  

"Rori," Mom warned me.

"We can make a deal," I faintly heard Michonne say.

"No. These people and their van are coming with us back to Hilltop," Mom said.

 These people and their van are coming with us back to Hilltop," Mom said

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