Chapter 19

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"Rori." I looked up to see Mom standing over me. Her shadow gave me a break from the blazing sun. 


"How's your hip feeling?" Mom asked, holding out my water bottle for me. I took it and drank a small sip. 

"It hurts but it's manageable," I shrugged. Mom gave me her "Mom" look as I called it. She gave me the same looked two years ago when I got sick. A few days after Dad had left actually. Turns out I was just stressed at the fact that I thought Dad was dead. "Really, Mom, I'm fine."

"Alright. If it gets worse or starts bleeding again you tell me," Mom gently rubbed my shoulder. 

"Okay," I nodded. Mom smiled before walking away. I stayed where I was, watching Eugene. Okay, that sounded really creepy. I turned to look ahead of us. I could hear Mom talking to Abraham. 

"He-hello?" Eugene's voice was dry and scratchy. I looked at him, falling to my knees beside him. 

"I'm coming!" I heard Mom shouted. 

"Hey, Eugene. You're alright," I said to him. Mom appeared on the other side of Eugene. 

"Stay right there. Don't try to move," Mom said, grabbing his arm when he tried to move. "You're going to be okay."


"Come on, Rori. We're going back to Carl." That simple sentence had me on my feet in seconds. I stood up and watched as Dad and Abraham (who seemed to be okay now) picked up Eugene and set him in the back of the fire truck.

I climbed into the back with Rosita and Tara. Mom and Dad sat in the front with Abraham. 

"Come on, Abraham. Let's get this show on the road. I'm ready to go back to the rest of the group," I said, smiling. Abraham started up the fire truck, turning us around, and off we went. We passed by the bus. And then I began to recognize the area. The trees. We were near the church. Near our family.


We approached the church to see Carl, Judith, Michonne, and Gabriel standing outside the church. There were walkers in the pointy stick we had set outside the church. Abraham drove right into the steps, destroying them and blocking any walkers from getting outside the church.

"Carl!" I yelled, climbing out of the firetruck. I rushed into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and places my hand on Judith's head since she was on his back. 

"You're alive," Carl let out a breath of relief. 

"Yep. Rori Rhee survived another day," I chuckled. A few tears streamed down my face as I pulled away from Carl. I placed my hands on Carl's cheek, gently kissing him. 

"You're back," Michonne said. I pulled away from Carl and quickly hugged her.

"Eugene lied. He can't stop it. Washington isn't the end," Dad replied. I stepped away from Michonne and leaned closer to Carl.

"I totally called it," I whispered with a smile. Carl rolled his eyes playfully.

"Where is everybody?" Dad asked. Michonne looked at him before smiling. She stepped away from Dad and grabbed my hand. 

"Beth's alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta. Some people have her, but the other went to get her back," Michonne said. A smile of relief broke out onto mine and Mom's face.

"Do we know which one?" Mom asked, sounding close to crying. I put a hand over my mouth as I started crying tears of joy.

"Grady Memorial," Michonne said. 

"Oh, my god," Mom laughed slightly, hugging me than Dad.

"Let's blow this joint, go save your sister," Tara said.


We arrived at the hospital, quickly climbing out of the firetruck. I was eager to see my Aunt again. There were dead walkers everywhere and we all approached with caution. Dad stabbed a walker while Michonne sliced another head in half. I looked at Rick when I saw him exiting the hospital. The rest of our group stepped out. Then I looked at Daryl who was carrying Beth.  When I looked closer, Beth had blood on her head. It didn't take a genius to figure out what happened.

"No!" I could barely hear the scream leaving my mouth. The color drained from my face and tears poured down my face freely. I fell to the ground beside Mom who wrapped her arms around me. I felt Dad gently rest one of his hands on my shoulder as we sobbed. 

"Aunt Beth, will you braid my hair?" I asked, skipping up to her. She was fourteen and I was ten. Aunt Beth looked at me and I gave her my best puppy dog eyes. 

"Don't you want to help your Mom and Dad pack for your trip?" Aunt Beth asked. I shrugged.

"That's boring," I said, dragging out the g. 

"Oh, alright. Come here then." Aunt Beth patted the spot on her bed in front of her. I quickly sat down, handing her my hairbrush and hair tie. I tilted my head back as she began to braid my hair. It was quiet. 

"Aunt Beth?" I asked, breaking the silence.


"You and Jimmy love each other, right?" I asked innocently. I felt Aunt Beth freeze for a moment.

"I-I, we don't- we're not in love but we like each other," Aunt Beth replied. 

"Then why is he always here if you don't love each other?" I asked. 

"Rori, you'll understand when you're older. How about you and that boy. What's his name, Will?" Aunt Beth asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him in a few weeks. But he's my best friend! I don't love him," I argued. 

"Okay, and I don't love Jimmy yet. But who knows, maybe when we're older I'll marry Jimmy and you'll marry Will." Aunt Beth teased. We both laughed.



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A/N: Sorry this chapter was extremely short. I didn't want to continue after the hospital this chapter so I added a flashback! Also, I know in the gif it's Elena from the vampire diaries but pretend it's Rori.

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