Chapter 13

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When I woke up again, I felt awful. There was a thin layer of sweat on my skin yet I was cold. My hip throbbed angrily. It felt like I had just got shot all over again. I could hear Rick and Carl talking.

"I'll stay safe, Dad. And I'll make sure Rori doesn't die," I heard Carl say.

"I'm not going to die," I groaned from both discomfort and pain. The men's attention turned to me. 

"Hey, how do you feel?" Rick asked. He walked towards me and Carl followed. 

"I'm freezing," I shivered. 

"Here," Rick stood up and walked over to where his thick jacket laid. He came back over to me and gently laid it on me. "How about now?"

"Better," I nodded, closing my eyes. 

"How does your hip feel?" Carl chimed in. 

"Don't get me started," I said, pulling the jacket closer to the curled-up body. I couldn't tell if being curled up made my hip hurt worse or left. 

"Get some more sleep, Rori," Rick gently patted my head.

"Okay," I whispered and let myself fall back into a dream-filled sleep. 


I didn't realize it was possible to feel any worse than I already did. I opened my eyes and looked around the church. Carl was sitting on one of the church benches holding a sleeping Judith. 

"She's adorable," I whispered horsly. 

"Yeah, she is. Does your hip still hurt?" Carl asked. He carefully stood up, making sure to support Judith's small body.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Are you still cold?" Carl asked. 

"Mhm," I mumbled. 

"Sorry, I don't have any blankets," Carl gave me a grin. 

"No, you don't but I do," I heard Tyreese's voice. I looked up at him. "It's thin but it's something." Tyreese gently laid the blanket over me and I pilled both the blanket and Rick's coat closer to my body. 

"Thank you. Where are my parents?" I asked. 

"They went to go looked for some pain killers or really any medicine," Tyreese said.

"When will they be back?" I asked but it came out more like a whimper. 

"Soon," Tyreese nodded. "I'll take Judith and put her down for a nap." Carl nodded and let Tyreese take a sleeping Judith to her make-shift crib. it was just a cardboard box we have found in the church.


"Yeah," Carl asked, looking at me with curious eyes.

"I don't think Eugene holds the cure," I said. 

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