Chapter 37

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Most people who had survived the attack were scared, forever scarred

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Most people who had survived the attack were scared, forever scarred. It wasn't many compared to when we first arrived, but at least twenty. Carl had made it, thanks to Denise, and would be fine. Was fine. Weeks passed, and we rebuilt this place. Judith was growing up even more, and I had learned to accept the fact Mom was pregnant. It took almost a week, but after I had gotten over my initial fear, I was fine with it. Sure, I would forever fear for the kid. I knew I would do anything and everything to protect him or her, and Enid was right. Judith had turned out okay, maybe we'd get lucky with this one too. And after some deep conversations with my parents, Mom had explained to me how she was able to have a natural birth with me and what happened to Lori would most likely not happen to her.

"You wanna talk about it yet?" Mom asked, standing in my doorway with dad. It had been a few days since the whole situation happened and we were finally back home. 

"Talk about what?" I asked, trying to play dumb. I didn't meet their eyes, though. 

"The baby. I mean, Dad and I thought you'd be over the moon about a brother or sister. You always wanted one when you were younger," Mom explained, coming to sit on my bed. I shifted my legs so they were at an angle, giving my parents more room to sit. I stayed quiet, continuing to read my book.

"Rori, we're talking to you," Dad said, taking my book from my hands. I sighed, sitting up. 

"I'm just nervous, I guess," I told them, beginning to fidget with my bed sheets. 

"Why? Sweetheart, talk to us. Were still your parents," Mom said. She ducked her head down so she could see my eyes. They were beginning to fill with tears. 

"It's just- I know every childbirth is different. I do, I just worry that what happened to Lori will happen to you," I replied, my voice cracking as a fat tear rolled down my face. I felt Dad gently rest his hand on my leg in an attempt to soothe me. 

"Princess, your birth was all-natural. No complications," Dad said. A small smile was plastered on his face. 

"You and I both know that doesn't mean this one will go smoothly." I looked him in the eyes, more tears flowing down my face. 

"No, it doesn't mean it will but even if it doesn't, Denise has all the right equipment and tools to help if something were to go wrong," Mom chimed in. I sucked in a deep breath, wiping at my wet cheeks. 

"I still can't help but worry. But maybe I did overreact a little when you told me," I admitted sheepishly. 

"Just a little. It makes sense as to why you reacted the way you did, though. That wasn't the best time to tell you," Mom laughed a little, to which I smiled. 

"Yeah," I nodded, letting Mom gently cradle my face. 

"We know things have been tough after what happened at the prison, then when you got shot, and now what happened a few nights ago, but we do want you to know how proud we are and that we love you. Even when you're being a mouthy teenager," Dad told me with a smile mirroring Moms on his face. 

"I love you too," I said, leaning forward and pulling Mom into a hug. Per usual, Dad wrapped his arms around the both of us. 

"For the record, I am happy to have a sibling. I just wish it wasn't under these circumstances," I said to them once I pulled away.

And that was that. We hadn't talked much more about it since then. Theo, Matt, and Will lived happily in their own house, things were finally starting to look up, and I awoke with a smile this morning, two days after we had that talk. Strolling around Alexandria, I watched people live their lives, going on about their days now that there weren't dead bodies everywhere. 

 Daryl and Rick were going on a run for more supplies today, and I was prepared to help with Judith and Carl if needed. Ever since he got shot, Carl's been hiding in their house as much as he could, hardly coming beyond the porch anymore. So, that's where I was heading. I walked up to the step of the Grime's house, both Michonne and Rick had left the house already, so it was just Carl. Judith was with a babysitter but I wasn't sure who. Not that it mattered to me as long as she was safe. I knocked once, then twice fast, then once more, and finally, kicked the door lightly. It was Carl and I's secret code we had made up when we were bored one evening. 

"Hey, Rori," Carl said, pulling the door open. 

"Hey," I smiled, pecking him on the lips as I walked inside. Rick always told me that I didn't need to knock anymore before coming in, that I was like a daughter to him and always welcome, but I still knocked anyway. It was the polite thing to do. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked me. I shrugged, spinning around to look at him. Since he had gotten shot, I've been doing my best to keep myself cheerful around him. 

"Just came to see my boyfriend is all. Oh, and we're going to hang out with Enid in the woods," I explained, grabbing his hand.

"What? I didn't agree to that," Carl said, a small frown settling upon his face.

"Oh, come on. Don't be a baby. Smile," I said, pushing the corner of his lips up. He smacked my hand away. 

"Stop it," He laughed lightly, and I smiled brightly. 

"Come on, we're meeting her at the spot," I told him, empathizing 'the spot' so he would know what I was talking about. He nodded and followed me out the door, his hand in mine. We laughed together as we ran to where we told Enid we would meet her. Carl caught up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and picking me up. "Hey!"

"What, I just want to hold my girlfriend," he teased, continuing to walk with me in his arms. I lifted my feet up high to make it easier for him to walk, laughing loudly. 

"Hey, lovebirds! You ready to go?" Enid's usual slightly grumpy voice interrupted our laughing. 

"Yeah, yeah, we're coming, Enid," Carl said, setting me down on my feet. We quickly moved to Enid, looking around to make sure we wouldn't get caught. Carl climbed up the wall first, dropping down once she was halfway down the other side. I followed, with Enid behind me. It hurt my side a bit to jump down, so Carl made sure to catch me. We silently walked through the forest, thankfully not running into any walkers. However, it was pretty bright out and I had to squint a lot since we didn't have the luxury of sunglasses. Not that I was complaining though.

 Not that I was complaining though

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