Chapter 15

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It was official. Bob was gone, dead. Sasha became quiet. Numb almost. 

"I don't want you to go," Carl said gloomily. And apparently, I had missed a lot while I was passed out. Abraham had said that everyone needed to go to DC right now. Rick had argued and said no because of Gareth and his men coming for us. So, Dad had agreed if Abraham and they stayed another night that me, Mom, and him would go to DC with them. Rick, Carl, and the other half of the group were staying here.

"I know. I'll come back for you. I always do," I reminded him.

"And if you-" Carl didn't seem to want to finish his sentence but I knew what he wanted to say. 

"If I die? Then I'll die happy knowing just for a moment, you're safe. That you're surrounded by everybody you love, " I said. Tears filled my eyes but I didn't let them fall.

"Not everybody." Carl shook his head.

"I'll see you again somebody. just survive the apocalypse even if I'm not here to do it with you. Stay alive for me, please. I love you, Carl Grimes. Forever," I gently smiled at him before placing my lips on his. It seemed like time passed too quickly at that moment.  

"I love you, too. I always have and always will." Carl whispered to me. I pulled away from him and turned towards the rest of the group. I stepped towards Rick and hugged him.

"Stay strong. And find Carol and Daryl," I whispered in his ear. 

"I will," Rick nodded. I smiled and hugged Michonne, too. I would've hugged everybody if we weren't in a rush. Instead, I waved to everyone as we drove away. I knew our paths would cross again someday. I just didn't know when.


It had been a day and everything to be going smoothly. Abraham had managed to put some music on. The bus was cramped but it wasn't bad. 

"How are you doing?" Mom asked me. I rolled my eyes but turned my neck so I could see her. 

"I told you, I'm fine," I said.

"I know. I'm just making sure," Mom smiled at me. I returned her smile before looking ahead of me. At least I was comfortable with my back against the window. 

"Maybe they're just behind us. Maybe Daryl and Carol came back. Maybe they took the map, found some cars, and they're just down the road," Mom said.

"That's a lot of maybes," I said.

"Have some hope, Rori. They'll catch up. We're just clearing the way for 'em," Dad said. I don't get it. How were they so cheerful? I already missed the rest of the group.

"How long will it be? After you get on that terminal and do what you have to do?" Mom asked.

"Do what he has to do? He probably doesn't even know the cure," I scoffed. Dad gave me a stern look before turning around so he could see Eugene. 

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