Chapter 33

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We were all falling apart

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We were all falling apart. Most people were putting up a fuss about having to ration food, but we didn't have a choice. Either we were to ration food or we eat it all and then starve to death. There was also still no sign of my dad, Will, or Matt which worried me shitless. 

I was trying to keep Theo calm and stop him from worrying but that was hard when I was scared myself. I had just put Theo down for the night not too long ago when I heard a knock on the door. I closed my book and sat it on the couch beside me before standing up and walking to the door. Gently clasping my hand around the doorknob, I yanked it open. There stood Ron.

"Hey, Ron. Come in but please be quiet. I just got Theo down for a nap," I said, holding the door open for him. He stepped inside.

"Hey, Rori. I wanted to uh talk to you," Ron said, stepping closer to me. 

"What's up?" I asked, walking back to the couch and sitting down. 

"So uh," Ron came and sat beside me, staring at Judith who sat in her play pin fast asleep. "You know, I think you're a really great person. I mean, you're beautiful and great with kids," he paused. I stayed quiet for a moment, waiting for him to continue. "And I really like you."

"Ron, I'm with Carl," I said, my eyebrows furrowed. 

"I know," Ron said, inching closer to me. I stood up in an instant, feeling uncomfortable. 

"Look, I don't know what you're trying to do, but whatever it is you need to stop. Just get out of this house," I said, staring at him.

"Alright." Ron stood up and started to walk towards the door. Just as he was about to open it, he looked over his shoulder.

"You know, wanted to go after Enid today. Leave you behind and risk his life for her," Ron said.

"That's not true," I replied, not believing a word that was coming out of his mouth.  "Now goodnight, Ron." I shut the door behind him as he stepped out into the cold night air.


The next day everything was still looking bad. Not to mention what Ron said was stuck in my head. I don't know why it was because I trusted Carl. I never really liked Ron from the start, but that doesn't mean I hated him either. I know Carl did and still does, but Enid? He used to hang out with her a bit. At least he did when he wasn't with me or Judith.

"Come on, Theo," I said from the front door of the Grime's house. I held my hand out to him, which he quickly took. It was Jesse's shift to watch Judith, so I didn't have to.

"Coming, Wori," Theo happily said. It amazed me how happy someone could be despite what was happening. Of course, he didn't know that his brother could potentially be dead right now, and I would like to keep it that way. He skipped down the porch stairs and onto the road. 

"Slow down, Theo!" I called when he skipped away from me laughing. 

"Can't catch me Wori!" He cheered.

"Oh, yes I can!" I laughed, running after him. He squealed and ran away. I pretended to run slowly, giving him a chance to run before I caught him. We ran down the roads, passing a few people. "Gottcha!" 

Theo laughed loudly as I pulled him into my arms and onto my hip. "Look, it Wick!" 

"Yeah, it's Rick." I laughed at how he pronounced it, looking off into the distance where Carl and Rick stood with Ron, who was pointing a gun at the wall. "Hey, Rick," I said, walking up to them. 

"Hey, Rori," Rick smiled at me before looking at Theo. "Hey, Theo." Theo shyly waved. 

"What are you boys up to?" I asked. 

"Just teaching Ron some tricks," Carl replied. I stared at Rick as Carl talked, still thinking about what Ron had said.

" Nice," I replied. "By the way Rick, Jesse has Judith for a little while longer but in about half an hour it'll be Carol's shift."

"Okay, thank you for telling me," Rick said. 

"No problem," I replied with a grin. Theo squirmed in my arms, signaling he wanted down. I winced slightly as he wiggled down my hip, a small amount of pain going up it. It never fully healed so I still get a few flashes of pain now and then. 

"You okay, Rori?" Rick asked, placing his hand on my shoulder and looking into my eyes. 

"Yeah, just my hip. I get pains now and then," I replied. Rick gave me a sad look. "Well, I've got to get going but I'll see you guys later."


A little while later, Theo and I were walking around figuring out what everyone was doing when I heard gunshots. Theo looked up at me, a look of fear crossing his face. 

"Come on." In one swift motion, I pulled Theo into my arms and ran towards the noise. 

"Oh shit," I said when I saw what was happening. I watched as Spencer plummeted towards the ground outside the walls, holding onto a rope for dear life. "Theo stay right here," I said, placing him on the ground.

"But Wori-"

"Theo, stay please." I pulled out my gun and ran towards the wall.

"Spencer, come on!" Rick yelled, grabbing onto the top of Spencer's rope. Tobin quickly climbed up the ladder to the guard post where Rick was, me not far behind. I quickly switched off the safety on my gun as the two men pulled Spencer up and fired my gun. Morgan came stumbling in, and the three of them managed to pull Spencer up and over the wall. Spencer collapsed onto the wooden board, out of breath. Rick looked over at Tara, who Michonne had just recently pulled over the wall. 

"Tara! You almost died once for these people."

"What?" Tara exclaimed in disbelief. 

"What the hell were you doing!?" Rick yelled at her. From where she was standing at the guard post opposite of us, I could see her give Rick the middle finger.

"Lost a damn shoe. Crap," Spencer said, looking at his shoeless foot.

"You have got to be kidding me," I mumbled, rolling my eyes. 

"What was that?" Rick angrily asked, looking down at Spencer harshly. 

"I was trying to help. Make it to a car and draw them away," Spencer replied as if it was nothing.

"You ever make a climb like that before?" Spencer went quiet, looking at the ground. "You want to help? Don't make us come running to save you. You got an idea, you come to me."

"Would you have listened to me?" Spencer asked, staring Rick in the eye.

"He's got a point," I shrugged and climbed back down the ladder, walking over to Theo. The poor boy didn't look frightened, but almost a little sad.

 The poor boy didn't look frightened, but almost a little sad

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