Chapter 22

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"So we're clear, that look wasn't a "let's attack that man" look. It was a "he seems like an okay guy to me" look," Michonne said to Rick.

"We got to secure him. Dump his pack," Rick ordered Carl. "Let's see what this guy really is."

"Rick," Michoone whispered harshly. 

"Everybody else, we need eyes in every direction. They're coming for us. We might not know how or when, but they are," Rick said. 

"Me and Sasha, we didn't see him. If he had wanted to hurt us, he could've," Mom said from Aaron's side. Daryl and Carol worked on tying him up.

"Anybody see anything?" Rick asked, ignoring Mom.

"Just a lot of places to hide," Dad answered.

"Alright, keep looking," Rick said.

"Rick, nobody is coming for us," I said, adjusting my grip on Judith. Rick ignored me and walked over to Carl.

"What did you find?"

"Never seen a gun like that before." Carl handed Rick a bright orange gun. I looked towards Aaron when I heard him groan quietly. His eyes fluttered open and he looked around before smiling.

"That's a hell of a right cross there, Rick," Aaron chuckled.

"Sit him up," Rick ordered.

"I think it's better if-"

Aaron cut off Mom, saying, "It's okay."

"He's fine. Sit him up," Rick said. Michonne and Mom helped Aaron sit up.

"You're being cautious. I completely understand," Aaron said.

"How many of your people are out there?" Rick asked. Aaron paused, looking at the orange gun in Rick's hand. 

"You have a flare gun. You have it to signal your people. How many of them are there?" Rick asked again. Aaron stared at Rick sighing. 

"Does it matter?" Aaron asked.

"Yes. Yes, it does."

"I mean, of course, it matters how many people are actually out there, but does it matter how many people I tell you are out there? Because I'm pretty sure no matter what number I say--eight, thirty-two, four hundred and forty-four, zero. No matter what I say, you're not going to trust me," Aaron said. He was right. 

"Well, it's hard to trust anyone who smiles after getting punched in the face," Rick replied.

"How about a guy who leaves bottles of water for you in the road?" Aaron asked. Rick glanced around at the group.

"How long you been following us?" Daryl asked. 

"Long enough to see that you practically ignore a pack of roamers on your trail. Long enough to see that despite a lack of food and water, you never turned on each other. Your survivors and you're people. Like I said, and I hope you won't punch me for saying it again, that is the most important resource in the world," Aaron said. The room fell quiet and Rick stepped closer to Aaron.

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