Chapter 23

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I stared at the many piles of food that the rest of the group had found. It was the most food I had seen in a while.

"This, this is ours now," Rick told Aaron, a can of beans in his hand.

"There's more than enough," Aaron said.

"It's ours whether or not we go to your camp," Rick said.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't we go?" Carl asked. He looked at Rick like he was crazy.

"If he were lying, or if he wanted to hurt us...but he isn't," Michonne said. She turned her head to look at every one. "And he doesn't. We need this. So we're going, all of us. Somebody say something if they feel differently."

"I don't know, man. This barn smells like horse shit," Daryl said gruffly.

"Yeah. We're going," Rick nodded before turning back towards Aaron. "So where are we going? Where's your camp?"

"Well, every time I've done this, I've been behind the wheel driving recruits back. I believe you're good people. I bet my life on it. I'm just not ready to bet my friend's lives just yet," Aaron said quickly. Michonne walked over to stand in front of him.

"You're not driving," Michonne said firmly. "So if you want tog et  home, you'll have to tell us how." Aaron nodded slightly, turning his head towards Rick, who now had a map laid out.

"Go north on Route 16."

"And then?" Michonne asked, urging him to continue. 

"I'll tell you when we get there," Aaron swallowed hard.

"We'll take 23 north. You'll give us directions from there," Rick said.

"That's- I don't know how else to say it- that's a bad idea. We've cleared 16. It'll be faster," Aaron said quickly and nervously.

"We'll take 23," Rick said again. "We leave at sundown."

"We're doing this at night?" Sasha asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Look, I know it's dangerous but it's better than riding up to the gates during the day. If it isn't safe, we need to get gone before they know we're there," Rick explained.

"No one is going to hurt you. You're trying to protect your group, but you're putting them in danger," Aaron said.

"Tell me where the camp is, we'll leave right now," Rick replied. Aaron looked at him with a gaping mouth before shaking his head. Rick nodded and stood up. "It's going to be a long night. Eat. Get some rest if you can."


Nighttime came quicker than I expected, and soon we were on the road. Dad, Rick, Michonne, and Aaron were leading in the car and the rest of us were in the RV. Everything seemed to be going smoothly as we continued down route 23.

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