Chapter 69

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We managed to find a house to stay in for the night but only one can of food

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We managed to find a house to stay in for the night but only one can of food. I took a few bites to satisfy Henry but made him eat the rest of the can. "Hey, Henry," I said, popping into the room he was staying in. "You doing okay up here?"

"Yeah, I'm alright, Rori," Henry said, sitting up on the bed he was laying in. He looked to have been reading a book. "Just reading since there isn't much to do."

"Okay. You should probably head to bed now," I suggested,  leaning on the door frame.

"Alright. Do you want to switch shifts during the night? I know you didn't get much sleep last night," Henry said, eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm fine, Henry. Don't worry about me. Goodnight, buddy. I'll see you in the morning," I said, blowing him a fake kiss.

"Night, Ror," Henry said, pulling the covers over his shoulders. "See you in the morning." I shut the door behind me, sighing. I was exhausted. Maybe if I blocked all the doors I could get some sleep? So, that was exactly what I did. I moved furniture in front of the doors and turned off the lantern we had. As soon as my body hit the couch, I was out.


Time passed as I slept and I woke up to a loud scream. I jolted awake, hearing banging on the front door and windows. I gasped, staggering to my feet. I rushed upstairs in search of Henry.

"Henry! Henry!" I whispered shouted despirately, yanking the door to his room open. Henry was on the ground with a walker hovering above him. 


I jumped into action, ripping the walker off Henry, who scrambled to his feet. My hand pressed against the walker, pulling my knife off my hip and slamming it into its head. It fell to the ground in a heap. "Come on, we have to get out of here."

"How?" Henry asked. 

"Just follow me," I replied, heading to the window. I yanked it open, peeking out. There was roof outside and a tree we could easily slide down. "Climb onto the roof."

"What?" Henry asked in disbleif.

"Now, Henry," I ordered. He nodded, quickly climbing out. I followed him out. "See htat tree? I'm going to climb down, distract as many walkers as possible and you're going to climb down and run. Only on my signal, okay? You still have your bow staff?" 

"It's in the room," Henry told me. I looked back into the room.

"Okay. I'm going to sneak through and grab it," I said, moving back towards the window.

"Be careful."

"I will," I said, carefully climbing through. I could hear the walkers pushing the furniture away from the door, so I quiclly rushed to the other side of the room, grabbing the bow staff. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a walker stumbling up the stairs. I swore under my breath, darting to the window. I quickly climbed through, pushing the window shut. I noticed the walker stumble in, beginning to pound on the window. "Here."

"Thanks," Henry said, taking the bow staff from me.

"I'm going to climb down the tree now. Wait for my signal and run. Don't look back, okay?"

Henry hesitated but eventually agreed. "Okay." I stepped closer to the edge of the roof, wrapping my hands around the tree. My body swung off the roof and attached to the tree as I slowly slid down. Instantly, walkers smelled me and stumbled towards me.

"Come and get me, assholes!" I screamed, walking backwards as they stumbled towards me. It was a small herd, only fifthteen walkers. However, that was still a lot for one person. I stabbed one walker as it tried to bite me but kept moving backwards. When I managed to get them far enough, I yelled for Henry. "Now, Henry. Run!" I turned on my heel, running as I led the walkers away. I could hear them behind me and forced myself to increase my speed, despite the exhaustion I was feeling. 

My brain was working overtime trying to figure out a way out of this. How the hell am I supposed to loose fifthteen walkers? I stopped running, turning and pulling out my gun. I shot seven walkers before running out of ammo. Since my gun was empty, I clipped it back on my belt. 

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath, pulling out my throwing knives. I only had four on me, leaving three left. I took out of larger knife, stabbing the closests walker. Anothoer grabbed onto my shoulder, moving to bite me but I quickly killed it, too. The last one was an easy kill. My head throbbed as I bent down to collected my throwing knives. Lack of water and food I'm guessing. I collasped to the ground, my back pressed against hard bark.

I began to cry, hoping that Henry was alright. I wondered if my mom was looking for me. If Carl or Enid were looking. If Rick was looking. Maybe even Daryl. It was still dark out but the sun was beginnign to rise. In an hour or two the sun would be up. I heard the gurgling sound of another walkers and managed to push myself to my feet. I didn't have the energy to kill it, so I walked in the opposite direction that I heard it coming from. My legs shook voilently, barely holding me up.

My body ached as I sped walked away. I had never been sore like this. Ever. I kept walking until I couldn't hear the walker. By then I could see the sunrise. I let out a breath, sitting down on the ground. I had found a gravel road, which probably wasn't the best place to be but I didn't care. I let myself lay down, exhaustion overtaking me. My eyes fluttered shut and I hoped no walker would see me.

 My eyes fluttered shut and I hoped no walker would see me

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