Chapter 41

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Carl and I spent every moment eager for the return of the adults

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Carl and I spent every moment eager for the return of the adults. The kids, however, seemed to be enjoying each other's presence. They sat and babbled to each other often. Well, Judith babbled and Theo talked. The adults returned the day after going to hilltop, having a meeting Carl and I weren't allowed to attend. I don't understand why, but that's what our parents said. Will was lucky, Matt let him go out and fight and go to meetings. 

"Come on, Theo! You ready to go see your brothers?" I asked as I finished tying my shoes. 

"See you tomorrow, Rora," Carl said, pecking my lips. I smiled at him as Theo came over and grabbed my hand. 

"Ready to go, Theo? It's past your bedtime," I said. 

"Yep," Theo nodded excitedly. I waved to Carl as we walked out the front door. 

"Bye, Carl," I said to him before leaving the front porch. I set off towards the Damaris house. I could tell Theo was tired by his slow pace, so I opted for carrying him. It wasn't a long walk back to their house, only about five minutes but in that time Theo had managed to fall asleep on my shoulder. I gently knocked on their front door, and I heard rustling behind it. A tired-looking Will pulled the door open. 

"Oh. Hey Rori," Will greeted me tensely. 

"Hey," I gave him a small smile. "Uh, I figured you'd want this one back."

"Thanks for watching him," Will said, gently taking the sleeping toddler out of my arms. 

"Of course. Anytime," I smiled, staring into his hazel-colored eyes. 

"I-I should probably get this one into bed," Will stuttered slightly, starting his eyes away from mine.

"Yeah, of course. I got to get home anyway," I looked down. 


"Night, Will," I replied, turning on my heel and heading off to my house. I could see a light on when I made it to my house. I'm guessing mom and dad were probably waiting for my return. I stepped into the house, noticing my parents sitting at the table. 

"Hey, baby," Mom greeted me with a small smile. "We're going to go out in the morning with Rick."

"To do what?" I  asked, taking off my jacket and throwing it over a chair. 

"Get more ammo and stuff," Dad answered. 

"How long will you be gone?" I asked, crossing my arms. 

"Just a few days. I don't have an exact amount but we shouldn't be too long," Dad explained to me. I nodded. 

"Alright, well, I should probably get to bed. I'm pretty tired," I told them and walked towards the stairs. I paused when I heard dad's voice behind me.

"You didn't have sex, did you?" Dad asked. I quickly turned to look at him with my mouth open. He seemed to be trying not to laugh. 

"Daddd! Stop!" I whined, my cheeks becoming hot. 

"Sorry, sorry," Dad held his hands up. "Get some sleep now, princess. I'll leave you alone."


True to their word, they were gone by the time I woke up. they were gone for about three days, and it had barely been two days since their return before everything went into chaos. Carol left. She took a car and just left us. Left her family, Alexandria. Morgan and Rick went to look for her, and while they were gone, Carl and I went out to our spot for a bit. My hip was beginning to get sore, though, so I decided to go home to rest. "Woah, what's going on here?" I asked as I entered the house to see Enid cutting mom's hair. 

"I asked Enid to cut my hair," Mom explained simply. 

"Well, it looks good," I smiled at her and I saw her return it. "I'll get the broom and clean up the hair. I walked over to the broom closet and grabbed one out. It had a dustpan connected to it. 

"I like it but why?" Enid said as mom looked at herself in the hand mirror. I began to sweep up the hair on the ground. 

"Hmm. I have to keep going. And I don't want anything getting in my way," Mom sighed. I bent down, placing the dust can next to the pile of hair I made with the broom. I quickly swept it into the pan, standing up.

"Man, did I go too short? I-I only used to cut my dads," Enid said when mom leaned forward, looking at the ground. 

"No, it's not that," Mom replied quietly.

"Mom, you okay?" I asked, dumping the hair into the garbage. I left the dustpan on the counter and walked over to the two. 

"Maggie?" Enid asked before Mom suddenly bent over. 

"Ah!" She let out a scream.

"Mom!" I rushed over, putting a hand on her shoulder. Enid gently helped Mom to the ground when she tried to stand. 

Maggie!" Enid exclaimed as Mom screamed some more. I shared a look of pure panic with Enid. 

"What do we do?" Enid asked in a panic.

"I-I w-wheres Rick? Or my dad?" I asked her. 

"Uhm, I don't know where Glenn is but I think Rick's is back," Enid said quickly. 

"Okay, uh, let's just...Stay here. I'm going to get Rick," I said, jumping into action. Enid nodded and I ran out of the house. 

"Rick! Rick!" I screamed, running through the neighborhood. I pounded on the Grime's door, fear coursing through my veins. "Rick! God damn it, Rick!"

"Rori? What's going on?" Carl asked, opening the door. I pushed past him, not uttering a word. I ran up to Rick's room, practically collapsing against the door. I didn't bother knocking as I stumbled into Rick's room. 

"Rori? What's wrong?" Rick asked, turning to me. 

"My-my mom."

"Breathe, Rori. Breathe," Rick ordered, gently coming over and placing his hands on either side of my cheek. 

"It's my mom. Somethings wrong with her," I breathed out. That's all that needed to be said before Rick ran past me, down the stairs, and out the door. I ran after him, but Carl grabbing onto my arm stopped me. 

"Are you alright? Is Maggie alright?" Carl asked, looking into my eyes. 

"No. I've got to get back to her."


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