Chapter 56

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After Negan left, I decided to take a nap to pass the time

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After Negan left, I decided to take a nap to pass the time. I hadn't slept well last night anyway. However, I did not enjoy how I was awoken. Two gunshots ringing threw the air woke me up. I sprung to my feet, putting my hands up in case of an intruder. Nobody was there, of course. I glanced around the room, walking to the door. I yanked on the handle multiple times. Locked. 

I heaved a sigh, moving to peer out the windows. I couldn't see much. Everything looked normal to me. I quickly fell to my knees, landing on the floor with a loud 'thud', as more gunshots were heard. Only it didn't stop this time. I placed my hands over my head as glass fell onto me. I let out a small scream as I crawled to the door, pounding on it. Desperate for somebody to hear me, I screamed until my throat was raw. And just as quick as a snap of my fingers, it was over. The air fell silent, just an occasional gunshot could be heard now.

I managed to stumble to my feet, carefully moving back to the window. I pressed my side into the wall, peering out the broken panes. I cursed under my breath as I saw walkers surrounding us. The familiar click filled the air moments later, and I turned on my heels to see who it was. Simon.

"Come on, let's go. I promised Negan I'd protect you," he ordered, motioning for me to come to him. I limped over to him, following him out of the room. 

"What the hell happened?" I questioned, following him down the empty hallway. 

"We were attacked," Simon said simply. I let a slight smirk creep onto my lips. I knew exactly who attacked us. "Oh, don't look so smug."

"I told you'd he come," I said, wincing slightly as I put too much pressure on my ankle. 

"He wanted you. Negan wouldn't give you up and now we're all trapped in here. Walkers surround the building with no way of getting out. If we die in here, you die with us, so, drop the smirk," Simon warned me, his hand tightening slightly on my arm. 

"Maybe so but at least you'll be dead," I shrugged as he shoved me into a room. The meeting room, I'm assuming. There was a long table with people gathered around it. I only recognized a two. Eugene and Dwight. 

"Sit." Simon pushed me towards a seat. It was between Dwight and Eugene. I rolled my eyes, leaning back into the hard chair.

"We have to assume Negan is dead," A female with a short mohawk said after a few moments of silence. 

"I'm Negan," Simon said instantly, his hands pressed flat against the table as he hovered over it. "And as I understand it, everyone in this room is."

"I'm not," I said, staring ahead blankly.

"Sorry to break it to you, sweetheart, but you are. You work for Negan. Now, I realize there's a lot of stress in the air, but just to clarify, are you saying you're someone else, Regina?" Simon asked the female.

"No," Regina said tensely.

"Good," Simon said. Regina took a deep breath before speaking again.

"We should send the fence crew out. Grab a few others, we get 40 workers, standing back to back. We get them out with pipes, they clear a path, just enough for a small te-"

"Inadequate," Eugene interrupted Regina. She shot him a glare.

"What?" She asked angrily.

"Fun fact about Eugene, he's a smart, know it all dick, Regina," I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Shut up, Aurora," Simon warned me.

"The numbers you suggest aren't adequate. Given the current SRO density of the herd surrounding us, 40 workers armed with melee weapons in the formation you propose would be overcome, closed in on, and macked upon within a few minutes," Eugene explained.

"Yeah. That's right," Regina nodded. "We use the workers as a distraction to get a small team past the herd. They can warn the outposts and then come back with the fat lady."

"Add the approach's slim chances of success, it's likely the play would lead to widespread unrest, pitting the workers against the soldiers when we're running out of food and fuel, upsetting our already precarious apple cart," Eugene said, causing Regina to give him an annoyed look and scoot forward in her chair. 

"Maybe all we need to do is put you out there, Eugene. Maybe it would motivate the answer man to come up with a solution," Regina snapped.

"Now, that is the first and only smart thing I've heard come out of someone's mouth in the past week," I chuckled, my laugh echoing in the small room. 

"Aurora, again, shut up," Simon said, throwing me an angry look.

"Oh please, your glare doesn't scare me, Simon," I said, spitting his name out like it was fire on my tongue. 

"Regina, he's right," Dwight chimed in. "The workers have the numbers, and we need to keep them on our side."

"We need to keep them in line," Simon chimed.

"Even if we get a few of ours out and somehow clear the crowd, they have snipers all around the building. So right now, let's deal with the other part. Someone in here made everything out there happen." A man with short brown hair, a mustache, and a long face said.

"Don't look at me. I've been trapped in a room for a week. A locked room, might I add," I said, throwing my hands up when everyone's eyes locked onto mine. 

"We're having our little crisis-management meeting about the rebellion in Alexandria, us three outpost heads, and that's when they pile this crap on us? That's when they cut us off?" Mustache man slammed his hand down on the table momentarily. "Come on. They knows all and sees all. Sometimes it doesn't take a gun. The right kind of rat can kill plenty of people with just some talk." 

"But it's not gonna be us, and it doesn't have to be the workers," Dwight said, leaning forward in his chair.

"But it's not gonna be us, and it doesn't have to be the workers," Dwight said, leaning forward in his chair

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