Chapter 65

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Eventually, we made it back to hilltop with Georgie and the rest of them

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Eventually, we made it back to hilltop with Georgie and the rest of them. Matt's letter fell stiff in my jacket, giving me a constant reminder that he was dead, but I just couldn't bring myself to read it. I just couldn't. So, I didn't. I kept it on me for the time when I was ready. My days went on, boring and blended together. I managed to keep my tears at bay, only crying when I was alone. I convinced myself that I didn't need someone to be there. I was fine alone.

Carl tried to stick with me as often as he could but he had Enid stay with me when he wasn't. Theo got on, too. He got his own room. A knock drew my attention, and I climbed off my bed. I pulled open the door to reveal Carl and Theo. 

"Hey," I said, a smile on my face.

"Hey," Carl greeted, leaning to kiss me. I kissed back, of course.

"Hi, Rori," Theo said gently.

"Hi," I said in return.

 "Want to go for a walk?" Carl asked.

"Sure," I agreed, heading out the door. I pulled it shut behind me as I stood on the right side of Carl. 

"I can walk," Theo said stubbornly. Carl and I chuckled.

"Sure, buddy," Carl said, setting Theo on his feet. Carl and I each took one of his hands. Carefully, we took him down the stairs and outside of the manor.  

"Hey, guys!" Our heads turned at the sound of Enid's cheerful voice. She walked over to us, swinging Theo into her arms. Theo laughed loudly as she swung him around.

"Don't get him too dizzy, Enid," I warned her, softly smiling.

"I won't," Enid replied, setting Theo back on the ground.

"Did Mom figure out what to do the Georgie?" I asked, nodding to where Georgie and her friends sat.

"I think we're going to take their stuff before the Saviors get here," Enid said. "We're racing against time now, though."

"Yeah. The Saviors will be here soon," I agreed, nodding. "I say we just kill the three."

"That's a little far, don't you think?" Carl asked, his eyebrows furrowing. I shrugged, holding my hand out for Theo.

"Come on, Theo. Let's go for our walk," I said. He grabbed onto my hand, happily skipping away like his brother hadn't just died. The sun was beginning to set and I knew the Saviors would be here soon. And I'd do whatever it took to protect my family. To protect Theo. I didn't care how many people had to die in order for me to do that. Theo let go of my hand, skipping over to our small farm. I watched him help throw dirt over seeds.

"Rori, I want to stay with you-"

"But you need to go help prepare. Go. I'll be fine," I nodded. "I need some time alone anyway. Take Theo with you, please. And be safe."

"I will, Rora. Don't worry," Carl gently kissed the crown of my head. 

"Theo, come here please," I called out. 


I knew it had started when we heard cars roll up. I stood next to my mom, looking towards the gate. "Walkie-talkie," Mom ordered.  I handed her the walkie-talkie, watching her press down on the button. "Negan. I want to talk to Negan."

"Well hello there. You are speaking to Negan, but my birth certificate says Simon. With whom do I have the distinct displease of speaking?" Simon's voice rang from the other end. I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn't see me.

"Maggie. Maggie Rhee," Mom said firmly. "The Widow."

"Well, then. Hello again, Widow Rhee, and allow me to offer my condolences. For what's happened and what's about to happen. In case it's not already plain as Hilltop potatoes, yours truly is speaking on behalf of Negan this go 'round. And I assure you that the man himself personally received your care package next day delivery. I noticed it was the box that I gave you in good faith. Trick's on me. But the bill's come due, and you and your people are gonna have to pay. Quite dearly, I'm afraid," Simon said, his voice almost taunting. 

"Your 38 people are alive and breathing. Turn around and leave us be, and they stay that way," Mom threatened as the people made their way to surround us on the porch. "But if you don't, I have 38 bullets that I will personally fire into all 38." Mom held the walkie-talkie towards the closest man to us, holding down the button.

"It's too nice a night to spend it dyin' slow, don't you think, Simon?" The man asked, looking up at us.

"How's this gonna go?" Mom asked.

"Well, Maggie Rhee, this is highly regrettable, but the way I see it, the Saviors you're in possession of there are damaged goods. You know, they've got themselves into their own pickle, and this organization prizes those who, A, avoid capture and, B, figure out their own shit when said outcome eventuates. Which, in the end, is my way of saying screw them," Simon snapped.

"Did you really think the cockamamie play would work?" Gregory asked.

"It will," Mom said after a moment of silence. We stood staring at the gate until gunshots could be heard, and the sound of Daryl's motorcycle. The people on guard duty opened the gate, allowing Daryl to ride in with the Saviors behind him. "Now!" As mom said her cue, gunfire began shooting. Some got shot into our people, causing Mom to pull me to the ground. "Take the prisoners to my office. Hold them there until it's done."

"Come on, move!" I ordered, pushing prisoners towards the large staircase. I helped direct them, guiding them down the staircase. Making a quick decision, I headed outside while everyone was rushing to Mom's office. I held my gun up, shooting people as they came before ducking behind a pillar. Slowly, gunfire started to die down until there was none left. Just an eerie silence. I held my gun in front of me, slowly walking away from the front porch as the whistling started. And then more gunfire.

Just as quickly as it started, it was gone.

Just as quickly as it started, it was gone

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