Chapter 28

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Something had happened the night Dad came back. Noah got killed and Nick and Dad were both blaming each other. Of course, I believed Dad. Oh, and apparently, Pete was abusing Jessie. Not to mention the fact that Carl had been trying to spend a lot of time with Enid. 

"Rick!" I screamed suddenly, seeing Rick in the middle of Alexandria punching Pete. "Stop!" I rushed forward ad tried to pull him off as Carl and Enid appeared behind me. Rick shoved me away and Rosita quickly pulled me off the ground. 

"Pete!" Jessie yelled at her husband as he flipped Rick over and began choking him. Pete punched her when she grabbed his shoulder and she fell to the ground. Rick flipped the two back over and gripped Pete's neck. 

"Dad! Get off!" Carl grabbed his Dad's shirt. Carl fell back as Rick pushed him. 

"Carl!" I squealed, rushing towards him. I helped him off the ground and stared at the fight breaking out. Rick looked insane. Almost like Shane as he choked Pete. Suddenly, Deanna appeared.

"Stop. Stop it," Deanna ordered. Rick looked up at her, still choking Pete. Dad and Nick ran to join the commotion. 

"You touch them again and I'll kill you," Rick warned Pete.

"Damn it, Rick! I said stop," Deanna shouted. Some men stepped forward to try and grab Rick.

"Or what?" Rick whipped out his gun, quickly clicking off the safety. "You gonna kick me out?"

"Put that gun down, Rick," Deanna said slowly.

"You still don't get it. None of you do! We know what needs to be done and we do it." Rick screamed, looking around. "We're the ones who live. You! You just sit and plan and hesitate. You pretend like you know when you don't. "You wish things weren't what they are. Well, you want to live? You want this place to stay standing? Your way of doing things is done. Things don't get better because you want them to. Starting right now, we have to live in the real world."

"Rick, stop it," I said as I slowly inched my way towards him.

"Rori, stay away from him," Dad whispered, his eyes flickering over to me. Carl grabbed my arm, pulling me against his chest. 

"We have to control who lives here," Rick explained. His face had dry blood all over him and his hair was wet with blood.

"That's never been more clear to me then it is right now," Deanna said. This was it. Deanna was going to kick us out and we were going to be on the run again.

"Me? Me? You- You mean me? Your way is going to destroy this place. Your way is going to get people killed. It's already gotten people killed." Rick laughed. 

"Rick, that's enough," I broke free of Carl's embrace and ran towards Rick. Rick moved to point the gun at me but I grabbed the barrel with my hand. Rick wouldn't shoot me. No matter how insane he was, he wouldn't shoot me. Or that's what I hoped. I ripped the gun from his hands and slid it across the pavement. I grabbed his bloody face with my shaking hands.

"Aurora, no!" Dad shouted.

"Rick, look at me. This isn't you. Come back to me Rick," I whispered, staring into his eyes. He looked back at me before looking over my shoulder at Deanna. "Rick, come on. This- this is going to get us kicked out. We can't afford that. We have nowhere to go if we get kicked out. Stop this." My eyes trailed over to Michonne. She was approaching quickly. 

"Punch him," I mouthed to her. She nodded and quickly punched him. His head flew to the side, knocking my hands off his face. His body fell to the ground and Michonne stood over him breathing heavily. Dad rushed towards me. He pulled me off the ground seeming quite angry. 


"What the hell was that!" Dad screamed at me.

"I had to do something," I said. He was angry I approached Rick when he was like that. Mom stood leaning against our kitchen table with her arms crossed. 

"You grabbed his gun when it was clearly loaded. Grabbed it, Aurora! What if he shot off your hand?!" Dad argued angrily. He used my full name-Which was never good.

"He wouldn't of shot me," I said confidently. 

"You don't know that!" Dad yelled. "You know what, I'm done with you doing reckless things. Like going out into the woods at sunrise."

"You know about that?" I asked, horror filling me. I was dead now.

"Yes, I do. Your mother and I were planning on talking to you about that soon. But then you go and approach Rick when he is going insane! Both things were stupid and reckless. So you know what, Rori, you're grounded." Dad said. 

"What! That's unfair!" I yelled, standing up from where I sat at the island. "Mom, back me up here!" Mom sighed. 

"I agree with your father," Mom said, looking at me with sadness in her eyes. "You've been careless with your life since Beth died. That is not what Beth would've wanted for you."

"Don't bring her into this, Mom. She's dead!" I screamed. 

"Aurora," Dad snapped. I could see the tears building in Mom's eyes but I was angry. 

"What, it's true. Grandpa's dead, too." I felt bad for bringing up these bad memories, I really did. But I didn't know what to do. I was falling apart. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. Crazy how fast things can change, am I right? 

"That's enough. Go to your room," Dad said, pointing towards our stairs.

"Fine, whatever!" I angrily stopped up to my room. Once the bedroom door was closed, I broke down. I hadn't had a good cry in a while and I really needed it.



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A/N: Sorry, it's another short chapter. Hopefully the next chapter will be longer!

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