It wasn't a good afternoon when we returned to the office.
Our business partners had called Eli in for an interview and had granted him the job.
They made their point clear without finding the need to make snide comments.
I had a feeling they took my threat a bit too seriously.
Hero, on the other hand, spent almost an hour fighting with them over protocol. It had unnerved him more than usual.
He was unhinged.
No matter how many times I told him that things would work out, he only dismissed me.
I didn't like this new version of him. The enterprise was stressing him out to the point where he was lashing out at me.
Would it be so terrible to hand the company off to another willing CEO?
What was I saying? Of course it would be. Not only would it make him moody that I would even consider it, but it would destroy him.
No matter how many times he said he was done with his parents... I knew he wasn't.
Later when we returned home, it seemed his nerves had eased. He and I had been too occupied with stacks of work to visit each other between breaks so we didn't have time to discuss anything.
He'd begun to remove his dress shirt, when he paused.
"What?" I snapped still feeling angry.
Hero ignored this, wrapping his arms around me.
"I just want everything in order for you." He whispered.
I let a giggle slip through my lips.
"Is that why you've been on your phone so much? Hero-Fiennes- Tiffin. I'll get back to my mojo. Give me time."
He bit his lip, an admiring look taking over his features.
"I know. I just need to put my trust in you more. I'm sorry for the way I acted today. I want to make it up to you."
I yawned, feeling exhausted already.
"Can we do it tomorrow? I need to go to bed."
His grip tightened on my arm unwilling to let me move.
"Hear me out. This is a proposal you won't be able to refuse."
I turned back in curiosity.
"What is it?"
He licked his lips, making me pulsate in my lower region.
"There's a club not too far from here. A sex club. Just give me an hour. It's something I want to try."
I wanted to look him in the eye and tell him that we had time, but after seeing the desperation in his eyes, I couldn't refuse.
"Okay. What should I do?"
He narrowed his eyes.
"Dress in something sexy."
He then turned to run to the bedroom.
My legs shook as we made it downtown. I had opted to dress in leather lingerie, though I covered with slacks and a sweater.
I wasn't too sure what would occur and only hoped I'd dressed correctly.
When we made it in front of the squat building it look nothing as I suspected.
It glowed purple and red, with a sign looking like a hunting ground for Polly Pocket fans. I was surprised when Hero said nothing about it.
We walked hand in hand through the front doors. Immediately, a hot scent wafted through my nostrils.
Upon entering... it was a shocking sight.
The old me would have ran.
Trust up in various corners of the building were strangers having sex. Moans and groans could be heard amidst all the activity.
As we trudged deeper, it looked more as an exhibit with large cages and glass compartments. I was taken aback to see women and men covered in leather as well as recieving lashes from whips.
What the?
"This is where you wanted to take me?" I asked.
Hero raised a brow.
"Do you not like it? We can leave?"
I continued surveying the calamity in front of me, the sexual music pounding through the speakers.
"No, let's stay. Tell me how you want me and I'll do it."
"See the line of glass cases?" He asked pointing to a long isle. "Check for an empty one. Don't look at anyone on the outside."
I did as I was told, making my way down the way. As I passed, I caught sight of the few couples inside the vacant compartments. They didn't pay me any mind though the acts did look painful.
When I found an empty case and turned the brass handle, I sat on an empty seat. I knew what Hero meant now that I stared through the clear glass. I felt every pair of eyes on me.
It wasn't long before he joined me with a soft expression. He stripped making my throat go dry. Even in a sex club, he was the most attractive man here.
I was robotic as he directed me to undress and lie on the black couch. My heart beat in my chest as I bared myself.
No one cares. No one cares.
He turned to a set of several implements on the wall, brandishing a short feathery object. Making his way over, he admired my body.
His member jutted up towards his abdomen as his finger stroked my collarbone. It then slowly trailed over my erect nipples, flicking them.
They puckered instantly.
He didn't waste time in running the feathery stick down my torso and across my leather clad crotch. I felt the hair tickle my flesh, making me buck.
Hero smiled, tickling me more persistently."Ah!" I screamed.
He tutted at me in disapproval.
"I can't have you coming yet. I want you to remember me."
Being the ass he was, he made his movements slow as he ran his torture device over different parts of my body.
He ran circles over my mound, under my thighs, across my ribcage and back to my tender breasts repeating the process.It was long and drawn out but I didn't mind. It didn't elicit an orgasm by any means but... it left me in anticipation.
This was something I could live with.When his assault on my body finally came to an end, I sat up whimpering.
Hero didn't retort with any smart quips as I expected. He eyed me admiringly.
"Why'd you stop?" I complained.He looked full of emotion, leaning down to meet my eyes. The moment was erotic.
"You're so beautiful, lying like this at my mercy." He whispered. "Lately I feel like we don't have enough time with each other."
I blushed.
"Well, it's a good thing we have all the time in the world."
He responded by cradling my face in his large hand, pressing a hard kiss to my lips.
"You want a tour of the rest of the joint?" He offered.
I blinked.
"You don't want to make love to me.... here?"
I shivered as I said this. Everyone would be watching.
"No," he finally replied. "I want to spend the night with you without any distractions."
I smiled, pressing my forehead to his.

FanfictionKristina's future has never been more certain. After a long journey of finding who she wants to be and what her life could be like, she's gained a wonderful boyfriend, turned husband. Now that her kidnappers are locked away and Hero's childhood ab...