Later that night I had a revelation... or... more like a psychotic breakdown.
I'd taken my Melatonin, though sleep didn't come as easy for me. I remained sitting upright in my bed, staring off into space when I saw her.
I nearly fell off the bed in panic. I had heard stories of ghosts and apparitions, but this was unbelievable. She looked much different now that she had passed.
No longer did she adorn her tight clothes and pounds of makeup.
She was more natural and carefree, a bright smile taking over her features.
She looked about twenty years younger.
My word, she was breathtaking.
"Dorinda," I began, "How are you-?"
I did my best to finish my sentence, but I decided to take another approach.
"You look so different."
"I feel different," She spoke in a cheery voice, "And to answer your question, well, I'm visiting you in spirit."
"Why?" I demanded still feeling like I was on cloud nine.
After a minute of silence, Dorinda- or the ghost of her- replied.
"To thank you, my sweet, sweet daughter-in-law. How you made my life better. During the duration of my cancer, you showed me how to be a decent person, though I never acted on it. You showed me, real love. You gave me a chance that last night... Now I'm free of all the pain."
A tear nearly raced down my cheek.
This was real. This was happening.
"I'm so happy you don't have to suffer the diagnosis anymore. I wish..."
Dorinda eyed me tenderly.
"It wasn't just the cancer, my dear. my fate. My existence."
I sniffled.
"What do you mean?"
She advanced towards me, but paused when she saw me fidget.
"Do not worry. This is me, Kristina. In the flesh. I know you've been having trouble with keeping yourself safe."
I stilled.
What? So she knew?
When I didn't reply, she went on.
"It is a man. He is dangerous. I fear..."
She trailed off, making me all the more curious.
"What do you fear?"
For a moment, Dorinda seemed utterly terrified.
"He is the man that has tortured my family line for a long time. I was... nothing more than a pawn to him to save my mother's skin. Small price to pay, I suppose, though now he seeks you."
I furrowed my brows, still as confused as ever.
"Seeks me for what? What could he want from me?"
She shuddered.
"The things he did to me, I cannot repeat here. It will haunt me. You must stay by my son's side. Tell him what I've told you. He will understand."
At the mention of my husband, I sank to my knees. I couldn't help it. I buried my face in my hands, staring back at Dorinda with bloodshot eyes.
"My life is falling apart Dorinda. I need you more than ever. I don't think Hero ever loved me. He's left me because he wants to be with someone else. It's too late."
At this, she grabbed ahold of my hands, stroking my mussed hair.
"No, dear girl. That's not it at all. There is a bigger span in the picture. I indulge you to dig deep and find him."
I blinked, trying to make sense of what she said.
"How? He's disappeared off the face of the earth!"
Dorinda simply smiled, framing my delicate face.
"You know him better than anyone. Think about it. He's never far away."
As she began to walk towards my bedroom door, I jumped towards her, afraid of the loss of contact.
She knew more than she was letting on and now she was leaving.
I needed more information.
"Wait! Dorinda!"
Before I could get another glimpse at her beautiful face, everything went fuzzy.
I blinked rapidly, as if I really had been dreaming and was once again, alone in my bedroom.
I screamed for her, but no reply came.
Was I actually going insane?

FanfictionKristina's future has never been more certain. After a long journey of finding who she wants to be and what her life could be like, she's gained a wonderful boyfriend, turned husband. Now that her kidnappers are locked away and Hero's childhood ab...