An earsplitting headache erupted through my skull. I must have lost my footing, but I couldn't be sure.
Everything was confusing as I tried to convince myself that my body wasn't as frail as it felt. It was no use. I wasn't as young as I used to be.
I looked over at him, trying to gauge his anger. He must have fallen over too because he grunted as he scooted across the hard floor.
We didn't have time to do much of anything. We both were too busy assessing the calamity around us; the smoke, the debris. It was all too much to handle, too much to breathe in.
I wasn't sure what exactly it was, but it felt suffocating.
What the hell happened?
Oh no.
Appearing from within the purple-grey smoke, were several men adorned in black gear and guns held in front of them. They didn't show any sign of ceasing and I was sure that we were toast.
"No!" He argued with the FBI holding our lives in their hands. "What have you done? My warehouse, my private property! It's all gone to shit-"
"Nothing you need to worry yourself with," a broad man with a heavy-duty helmet growled, "We have been trying to catch you for years, Mr. Carronton. We have Ms. Benson in our custody and unless you want to meet the demise your employees have, I suggest you not put up a fight."
He wriggled on the ground, sneering at the speaker.
"You will not get away with this! I have money and connections! I-"
The speaker laughed like none of this mattered.
"That has no meaning to us. No matter how wealthy you are, you stand no chance against the law. I know you're used to getting what you want, but that ends now. You are a sick individual and deserve nothing but pain. Now, are you going to comply?"
When He showed no sign of relenting, the man motioned to a few of his cohorts, the armed soldiers forcing him to his feet.
As they led him out of the room, the speaker turned to grin at me maliciously.
"And you, Ms. Tiffin, are in a world of trouble."
I wanted to fight and insist that I was innocent, but there was nothing I could say. Nothing that could get me out of this pickle.
I was screwed and I have no one to blame but myself.
I must have spent what felt like an eternity fighting Niall's tight grasp.
Fuck, what was he doing?
If it was his precious Josephine inside that damn warehouse, he'd be murdering anyone in his way.
I was close to knocking him on his ass.
"We need to get in there!" I screamed, elbowing him in the side.
"It's not what you think!" He grunted from the force of keeping me in place. "She's okay!"
"How the fuck would you know? Huh?"
Leon made his way around the limo, with Trudy on his heels. Our chauffeur sat in his seat, staring at us in bewilderment. If my eyes didn't deceive me, he was shaking like a leaf.

FanfictionKristina's future has never been more certain. After a long journey of finding who she wants to be and what her life could be like, she's gained a wonderful boyfriend, turned husband. Now that her kidnappers are locked away and Hero's childhood ab...