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"You want to tell us why these were on your person?" 


I stared in consternation as one of our men produced what looked like pictures.

They were in color, but weren't discernable from where I stood. 

The Evengot fucker sneered with obvious passion. 

"What? Your research on me didn't unearth any clues?"

"Smile all you want, Jake. You'll be going away a long time for this. First, escaping the penitentiary then attempting coercion and assault? You have a death wish." 

I couldn't help myself. 

"Coercion? What the fuck?"

The swat leader spared me a glare.

"My captain has already tried the teams luck by including outsiders, so you need keep your mouth shut when ordered. I suppose certain... People... Have privileges..." 

I didn't miss the look he sent Ezekiel's way. He had a point, but I wasn't about to back down from anyone.

It wasn't in my spirit.

"What are on the fucking pictures?" 

E widened his eyes in warning, but that didn't matter. The damage had been done.

The leader's expression twisted, perhaps pondering whether it was worth arguing over, then relented. 

"They pertain to you and your woman. Now, don't lose your head over it. We'll have to restrain you." 

My nostrils flared. Okay, fine. I could stay calm. I would see this through without punching the bitch. 

"Can I at least see them?" 

I could tell from his grimace that it wouldn't be wise, but like the weakling he was, handed over the piece of parchment. 

All I saw was red.

I hadn't been sure what to expect from the photos, but it certainly hadn't been this. Erotic scenes as they were, had been meant to stay secret. 

My cock in Kristina's mouth while we...

Hell no.

He wouldn't get away with this. How he'd secured these pictures, I had no idea, but he wasn't about leave scot- free.

As I advanced, Ezekiel held me back. Damn the man. He knew me as well as Niall did most days. 

Jake Evengot chuckled at my response which only infuriated me more. 

"Hero. Don't break his jaw. Trust me. I want to at this very moment, but your family needs you. Now. Don't get locked up." 

Fuck. He was right. Though it would only take three seconds... He'd drop like a sack of potatoes. 

I grunted, burning holes into Evengot. 

"You're lucky they're here to stop me. What I won't part without, however, are answers. What the fuck is your problem? What do you want from my family?" 

Even as the coward refused to reply I knew it wouldn't be simple. How could it? This guy had my mother in his clutches when she was a child. 

For all I knew, the Tiffin name would be tainted for eternity. 

This denial seemed to push the leader over the edge. He fisted the man's shirt, dragging him down the trail, his men in tow.

"You'll answer to someone." 

He then focused his attention to me. 

"Your work here is done. Willard will escort you to the compound, take the necessary precautions, and send you on your way. Stay safe."

During all this, I hadn't noticed that the captain had wandered off. He appeared from beyond a set of trees, shaking our hands. 

"What a day. I suppose I should get you both home." 

God, yes. I needed to see my damn wife. And my daughter. Make sure the swat members kept their word on her safety. 

As we made our way off the rock, I leaned to whisper in Ezekiel's ear. 

"You busy tonight?" 

He shook his head. 

"No. Why?" 

"I've been planning something special. I think Kylie would enjoy being there. Let me text you details. Might need your help."

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