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Blake's eyes narrowed as this occurred.

In all honesty, I couldn't blame him.

This threw me for a loop. It was so unprofessional. What were they doing? 

"These are your assistants?" Blake asked. 

I swallowed past a lump in my throat.


I could see past the blaring lights onstage. The audience on the plush seats were observing with interest.
Much to my shock, I couldn't pull away from the hand's gripping mine. I was too mortified. 

"Y-yes." I squeaked. 

Blake grinned, finding some loophole in this interview. 

"Are you always... this close with them?"

What the hell was he getting at? Did he think I always did this? 

Was he suggesting I was... messing around with them in my free time? 

I wanted to reply, but for the life of me, couldn't. I stared at Blake who was becoming more insistent by the minute. 

Please, let them let go of me. 

They didn't. 

"Forgive my curiosity," Blake continued, "But you recently separated from Mr. Tiffin. Am I vapid to assume that you would use your time indulging in other... activities...?" 

Much to my dismay, Eli spoke up, tightening his hold which was warm and inviting. 

"She's a vision, Mr. Gentry. I've known her for years. I just want to be the rock to catch her fall."

Okay. Not the best description.

Cole cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable by all this. 

"She's a wonderful asset to many companies, sir. She's a rare talent."

I shook my head, sitting back. This was one of the most embarrassing interviews I'd been to yet.

I forced myself to sit through the probing questions, willing time to pass. This was all so torturous and neverending.

When it did and we closed the velvet curtains, I doubled over, nearly puking. 

Why was this so hard for me?

Cole rushed forward, holding me up by my arms. 

"Sweety, are you okay?" He asked. 

I nearly heaved again. 


How did I explain that he was part of the problem? 

"I'm fine... Just get me back to the office..."

I didn't need to give him or Eli further instructions. They led me toward the exit doors of the building, holding me like some lightweight object.

When we made it out into the open, the blinding lights worsened than when we arrived. The paparazzi seemed to have doubled, crowding us in, without a chance of escape. 

Fuck. My head pounded. 

I pressed on my temples with my index fingers, hoping to ease the pain. 

"Kristina, baby!" A stout man with an expensive camera shouted. "Send a kiss to the camera! Just one!"

Another woman beside him backed him up on this, though her camera didn't look as glamorous. 

"Are these two your playthings, Tiffin? Please tell us!"

A surge of anger hit me. Even with my life with Elouise and Charlie, never had I been hounded this terribly.

Yes, we weren't graced with a personal life much, but standing here... I felt like some artificial artifact they couldn't wait to unearth one layer at a time. 

I was about to explode. 

Before I could do this, however, I was twisted around by a strong pair of hands. 


With a beat of my pounding heart, I saw that it was Cole.

Looming over me, in all his muscled glory, he ran his hands up the expanse of my thin arms, cradling my face. 

Oh hell.

I sucked in a breath when I saw his face tilting towards mine. I wanted to push him away like I did before. I wanted to assure him that this was inappropriate.

But I couldn't. 

For a moment, I wanted it. 

When he pressed his lips to mine firmly, I melted into his hold. Sensing my willingness, he gripped the nape of neck in his hand, swiping his warm tongue against my bottom lip, causing a tremor to roll through me. 

Oh god. He could really kiss. 

I groaned when he pulled away. 

Cole pressed his forehead to mine, looking into my eyes. 

"I sensed your anxiety," He whispered, "Did that help?"

I drew in a ragged breath. 


When we pulled away, Eli was as still as stone. 

The paps, however, were bursting with energy.

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