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Grab some tissues. That's the only warning I'm going to give you. 😭

I allowed the sudden cold air to whistle across my face. It's time? What the hell did that even mean?

"Time for what?" I asked. 

"Time for change in our lives," Hero went on, "I've been doing a lot of thinking these past days and... I'm sure now."

I smiled. 

"I'm glad you feel that way. We can go off to the Bahamas for awhile. We can change the way the office is run-" 

He remained serious, shaking his head.
"No, I mean... it's up to me to make the change." 

I blinked, still trying to comprehend what was being said. 

"Okay. Just say the word and I'll follow." 

He directed his eyes to the ground uncomfortably. 

"That's just it, Kristina. I can't have you following." 

I snorted waiting for the final punchline. 

"Come on, you have got to be joking!" 

As I searched his features, however, there was nothing to laugh about. 

"You're serious?" I breathed, feeling my chest ache. "Hero... I have to be dreaming." 

He cleared his throat. 

"I wish you were. Kristina... I have to go. I have to leave and get out of this place." 

My jaw went slack. I found it difficult to come up with a viable response. Here were all my worst nightmares come true.

There had to be a silver lining somewhere.

"That's fine," I shrugged. "I don't have ties here. I can run away to Alaska for all I care."

"I can't have you coming with me." Hero said darkly. 

I nearly tripped over my foot, trying to balance again. 

"I- I don't understand... you have to help me understand..." 

He blew out a harsh breath, directing his hands at me. 

"Look at you. So perfect and innocent. Since day one I knew I'd soil you... I'm no good for you." 

"That's utter bullshit!" I spat. "You're everything I need! Where is this coming from? Is it because I threatened to leave? I swear I didn't mean-"

"We moved too fast baby. I think the thought of losing you gripped me and I married you." 

I sucked in a sharp breath. 

"You regret it?"

"No!" He shouted advancing on me. "Never-! I'm just doing this for the good of things." 

I lost control, screaming to the top of my lungs.

"What good will that do anyone? I love you, Hero! Doesn't that mean a thing?"

His voice lowered dangerously. 

"Things are different, Kristina. When I met you, my life was heading in a different direction, as was yours. I was your run-of-the-mill frat boy that liked to fuck anyone I could. I'm not saying this to hurt you, but it's the truth. When you came along, you turned my world upside down."

"I know," I replied, beginning to cry, "You did the same for me. For that, I will always be grateful."

Hero turned away for a moment, then turned to look at me with a more steely look. 

"We've only known each other for almost a year and a half. This our first serious relationship. We haven't been out in the world long enough."

I breathed, feeling like I was running out of time. 

"Okay, well, we can do that; let's go see the world together... the partners can run the firm-"

He took a deep breath. 

"I'm not sure that would work for me... We need to explore new things; see other people. Maybe then we'll have time to decide whether we want to stay together or not." 

Fear gripped me. I felt like I was falling down a deep hole, in which I could never escape from. 

"We just got married." I said shakily. "If you were having second thoughts you could have had the decency to tell me. You must like hurting me." 

Hero's head lowered.

"My intention was to never hurt you. I swear I'll make this easy on you. I won't be staying in the city. I'll be somewhere far away so I can give you the best chance you have." 

I clutched my chest, dropping to the ground in agony. 

"Please... don't do this. I can't... live without you."

With all the strength in his body, he lifted me by my shoulders. He then cradled my face as he always did making this worse. 

"You'll be fine. Men will flock to you. I need you to do something for me."
Despite all the ache coursing through me, I nodded praying that he would change his mind. Perhaps this was an oversight. 

"Close your eyes." He ordered. "I need you to make this easier on yourself. I'll be gone in a matter of minutes." 

This didn't feel right. I wanted to cherish my last moments with my husband, but I automatically did as I was told. 

I felt his hand run down the length of my hair before the shuffle of his shoes could be heard. I wasn't sure how much time had passed as I squeezed my eyelids. 

A tear escaped down my cheek as I managed to open them again, but I was torn into a million pieces when I saw that he had disappeared. 

I fell to the ground.

I may be a bit dramatic but I cried while writing this 😶

Sorry for delaying the update..

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