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My legs were covered in sweat by the time we pulled in front of the courthouse.

We'd been here within the last few days to sign papers and make appearances, but this time would be different.

I would see Evengot in the flesh, knowing that all the pain he had inflicted on my friend, had been intended for me. 

Hero must have sensed my discomfort because he placed a hand on my wet thigh. 

"Are you okay?

I blew out a breath, resting a hand on my stomach. 

"It just feels more real now that we're here." 

"Hey," he leaned over the console, piercing me with his green eyes, "he can't hurt you; I won't let him." 

I closed my eyes. 

"I know. It's just... I still feel guilty for what Kylie went through. She was so loyal and went all in. I never realized just how close he'd been to getting me. God, I feel selfish making this about me." 

Hero shook his head. 

"Don't start with this shit. You have every right to fear that fucker just as much as Kylie. I'll admit; I wasn't a fan of you two hanging out so much but when I saw that she didn't have any secret motives... well... I'm glad that she's our friend." 

What the-? 

What happened to Hero-Fiennes-Tiffin? Who was this impersonator? 

"Really?" I raised my brow. 

Hero huffed. 

"Yes. I mean it. I'll always be grateful she never gave you up." 

Cradling his scruffy face in my hands, I pressed a lingering kiss to his lips. 

"Let's go lock up this monster."

Hero refused to let go of my hand as we made it through the lobby and security. I'd been through this before but it didn't ease the nerves I always felt. 

I wonder why that was. 

As soon as we grabbed ahold of our belongings, we made our way to the courtroom. It looked different than the last one we had endured. It was smaller and more intimate.

The small collection of strangers standing in as the jury eyed us as we took our seats. I did my best not to focus on this. Kylie was, after all, standing in as the plaintiff. 

She had a lot more to worry about than we did. 

I expected a longer wait but as a side door opened, I nearly lost my breath. It was as if I'd seen Evengot in a dream; I knew exactly who he was. 

Evidently he knew exactly who I was too because as soon as he caught my eye, he tried to push past the two guards holding him at bay to jump at me. 

"No!" The judge had jumped up from her chair, pounding her gavel. "Mr. Evengot, do I need to reschedule this hearing?"

Realizing that she had a point, Evengot eased off with a groan. I grew nervous when he had to pass me to head to his table, but after that, things went as smoothly as possible. 

The judge switched back and forth between Evengot and Kylie, asking challenging questions. The attorneys were even more intense, bringing up facebook posts and behaviors that had nothing to do with the case. 

I was worried that we wouldn't win the case even with Kylie's friends and family testifying.

Then, when her attorney materialized the damning evidence that caused most of the jury to shrink in their seats, I knew it was a sure thing.

He was done.

At long last when they were all called back to deliberate, I let out a breath i didn't know I'd been holding. The guards dragged Evengot back to a corner of the room while we waited.

After ten minutes, the jury returned with their verdict: 


So many things happened at once: 

While the judge announced the years Evengot would serve in prison, he began shouting obscenities and demanding she retract her decision. 

Our family and friends began hooting and hollering in excitement which seemed to piss him off even further. 

With one last look at me, Evengot bared his teeth. 

"This isn't over, Kristina! I'll come for you! Mark my words!" 

I didn't bother acknowledging him. I simply buried my face into my husband's chest. 

"Don't worry." He whispered. "It's finally over." 

I gripped a handful of his dress shirt. 

"Is it?"

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