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I had my suspicions about Diedre's absence from the court hearing as the weeks went by.

I wasn't sure if it was because she'd already been served with a sentence, but I didn't like how quiet it was. 

Knowing the type of person she was, I knew she had plan stewing in her brain.

As I stood to walk across the living room, Hero bounded from the adjoining hallway, giving me a steely stare. 

"You're supposed to be resting." He growled. 

Damn. He was such a fucking caveman. 

I placed both my hands on my hips. 

"I've been resting. For weeks now. If I sit like a bump on a log, I'll get a jolly-horse. I'm restless." 

Hero glowered. 

"I don't want to lose our child." 

I rolled my eyes. 

"The doctor told you the spotting was normal. You're being a drama king."
Out of nowhere, a growl erupted from my stomach. 

"And hungry," he went on, "here. Eat." 

He thrusted a plate with a bologna sandwich and a pile of potato chips in my line of view. I didn't bother arguing; I was starving and felt like I could demolish ten cows.

Gone was my reservation for how I looked when I scarfed my food down. Since Hero had returned and catered to my meals, he'd seen me suck it all down like my life depended on it. 

At first, he'd seemed terrified that someone like me could eat so fast, but had grown accustomed to it. He laughed about it now. 

When I finished my sandwich and chips, he handed me a Snapple. 

"Why are you so restless?" He asked as he took a seat next to me. 

"Isn't it obvious?" I demanded. "I mean, your grandmother-" 

As expected, He huffed like I had annoyed him. God, that got on my nerves.

"Not this again! Kristina, she's no longer a part of our lives. Let it go." 

"No!" I shouted feeling anger build inside me. "I will not! Something is amiss here, even you must know that. She wasn't at the hearing and I thought Captain Willard would have alerted us of any changes."

He shrugged. 

"I do admit that it's strange. But we don't need to let it affect us." 

I don't know what pushed me to the brink, but I felt a damn build up inside me until it exploded. Tears raced down my cheek as I sobbed. 

It was all too much. 

Hero seemed to have dropped his resolve, cupping my face in his hands.

He groaned. 

"Look... I'm sorry okay? What can I do to make this better?" 

What could he do for me that he hadn't already? He'd given me a child, he'd returned to me and had been extremely attentive...

After a moment I replied. 

"Could you take me to the prison so we can speak to Diedre?"

Recognizing the challenging look on his face, I spoke before he could. 

"Just hear me out; I want... an understanding between us all." 

Well, what I wanted more than anything was to tear her a new one, but he didn't need to know that.

"Kristina." He warned. 

"Hero." I countered, knowing it'd get on his nerves. 

At this, he jumped to his feet in anger. If he was in animation, I wouldn't doubt steam would be pouring out his ears. 

"Baby... I'm doing what I can to protect you. I'm trying not to lose my shit right now. You're testing me."

I stood as well, knowing if I did this, his retorts would be forgotten. 

"Please. I'll be fine, especially with you by my side. I know you don't want to look at her, but we're in this together, right? Do this for us. For our future daughter." 

As if sensing I had a point, Hero conceded. 

"Alright. We'll... go see her."  

I hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you sweetheart." 

He enveloped me in his thick arms. 

"Under one condition."

I peeked up from under my lashes at his blatant request. 

"What is it?" 

His eyes darkened with the scorching heat I recognized so well. 

"I get to punish you for being so defiant and being such a prick tease with that thin top."

My breath caught in my wind pipes, causing me to double over. Oh. Fuck...
I could feel how moist I was between my legs. 

"And what pray tell," I began, "is your plan for me?" 

Hero cornered me, grabbing my chin so I was forced to stare at him and only him. 

"I'm going to bruise that sexy-as-sin ass until there's no doubt I've been there. Sound good?" 

I coughed, nervous for what was to come. 

"Your hand or your belt?" 

He narrowed his eyes.

"How about a paddle?"

Thank you all for all the votes and reads!

A year later and still going strong ❤❤

Should Diedre be let out of prison?

I already know your answers though 😭😭

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