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Dear God. This man was a total pervert. 

The pictures of Hero and I were distasteful. They'd been taken in every place and position imaginable. Not only had this bastard snuck onto the premises of our home, but he had snuck a peek while we had made love in the homage under the bridge. 

How long had he known about me? 

"There's no need to involve my daughter." I begged, nearly dropping the pictures. "I'll do whatever you say. I may need a push in the right direction."

Jake released a mirthless laugh.

Gosh whatever happened to the dope that wanted me to himself?

"Now we're talking. Here's the deal. I know that husband of yours is on your ass since returning: he'd be dumb not to be. There's a greyhound that's set to leave tonight. I will be leaving, but I have no funds." 

Okay. I could tell where this was going. It was almost so cliche it was sad. 

"You want me to pull out some money for you?" 

Jake advanced forward, as if afraid I'd flee. 

"Precisely. But it won't be simple." 

I raised a brow. 

"You may not know this, but both my husband and I received rights to the family company. I can take whatever I'd like." 

At this, he glowered. 

"Don't be stupid about it. I'm sure you have a brain in that pretty little head of yours. We must disguise me. There's a bolo for my arrest." 


"What do you suppose I do? Buy some Wal-Mart hair dye and dress you in suspenders?"

Jake took a step forward, grabbing onto my arm. His grip was like steel, making the flesh ache. 

"This isn't a fucking joke. Are you going to help or not?" 

"Yes!" I shrieked, trying to shrug him off. "Just let me think for a moment." 

When he let me go, I released a heavy sigh. 

"We can't just walk through any store. It would be suspicious. As you know, the paparazzi love a good story on my life. I can't use the ATM either." 

He shook his head. 

"No. You can't. Especially since I need some extra cushion."

I gasped. 

"Wait... What?" 

Jake groaned. 

"You fuckers drained me of everything. I need something to live off of." 

Before I could point out how impossible that would be, he grabbed my hands and led us into the covering of the trees. 

"What are we doing?" I asked. 

"Taking a walk while we sort this out." He said. "No one knows we're here. We'll take all day if need be."

I gulped as we made our way through the forestry. Now there was nowhere to go. I was at his mercy. 



She stared at the chaos ensuing. Things really hadn't changed in the past few weeks. The Tiffin's had a lot to make up for yet here the son was, fussing over his missing wife, Kristina. 

It was shocking how fast the swat team had been erected this time around. They were as orderly as ever, suited up and barking orders at one another. 

Ezekiel, as the woman knew him, stood to the side as he talked to Hero in a stern manner. She had no idea what they could be discussing but was sure it didn't benefit her. 

Her eyes fell on the sleeping form in the young Tiffin's arms.

The cursed demon that had somehow made matters worse. 

She was never part of the plan and yet there she was clinging to her sperm donor for dear life, talking to him in gibberish. 

And Hero loved it, gathering his daughter closer. As if he could shield her from the present danger. 

No. This would not stand. There was too much at stake. 

She would do something, anything to stop this family from fixing this issue.

Things were going too smoothly and she couldn't allow that. 

The sting would not happen. 

She would see to it.

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