As I stretched out both my hands, Hero approached me warily.
"What is it, baby?"
"My daughter... give her to me." I demanded without a second thought.
He froze where he stood, at a loss.
"I can't."
"Why not?"
Was I delirious? What was I missing? Why couldn't I hold her? I had a right.
I barely noticed the doctor staring down at me in concern from a corner of the room.
"Mrs. Tiffin. Do you recall me stating that we'd have to hook her up to the tubes? Gladis, would you check her over? Make sure there isn't blood loss."
As a few nurses fussed over my blankets, I shook my head suddenly remembering him mentioning that.
"Oh, yes. You did say that."
Who I guessed was Gladis, shook her head as she took ahold of a clipboard.
"No blood loss. I think she's just a bit excited."
She then turned to grin at me.
"I sure would be, especially with a baby as beautiful as her. Have you thought of any names?"
I figured I would have had to think this through more, but as if a bright bulb had gone off, I knew just the name.
I glanced over at Hero before replying, though he didn't seem to catch on.
"Eleanor." I said. "It would have to be Eleanor."
Hero caressed my face tenderly.
"What made you decide on that name?"
I bit my lip, thinking about a reasonable response.
"Well, with one look at her, she seems ethereal and understanding. Plus, she was a wonderful surprise. I feel like Eleanor just fits her so well. What do you think?"
I must have missed Hero's reaction to me giving birth because he was drowned in a flood of tears, of which I had never seen before.
Was this all for his daughter?
"I think it's perfect." He finally concluded.
We embraced for a long moment while activity bustled through the room.
As the afternoon went on, nurses bounded through the room delivering meals, checking on Eleanor, and teaching me how to breast feed.
At first, I was nervous at doing so with someone I didn't know, but I quickly got over it. It was like second nature caring for my daughter, as it was second nature for her to latch onto me.
Blessing. She was a blessing.
My doctor ordered for me to stay overnight. This didn't make me happy, considering that my child would be in an incubator down the hall, but it wasn't like I had a choice.
Hero wasn't a fan of this diagnosis either and had put up a fight with the staff but eventually accepted it.
By the time visiting hours had ended, my dinner had been ordered and the sky outside had darkened.
"I don't want to leave you." Hero growled.
"I know," I sighed, "I wish you could spend the night with me, but we'll be together soon. They just need to make sure me and Eleanor are healthy."
He frowned, but allowed his eyes to skate over my hospital gown. I felt my nipples pebble at the mere sight of his stare.
"I'll be thinking about you all night." He whispered in a husky tone.
I blew out a strangled breath, my voice coming out shakier than intended.
"I'll be thinking about you too."
"Is that so?" Like the tease he was, Hero smoothed a hand over my blanket, slowly creeping up my covered legs.
"Are you going to be fingering that wet cunt while I rub my cock raw?"
I drew in a sharp breath as he cupped my mound through the thin blanket. I began to arch my back at his masterful touch, but tensed when I remembered where we were.
"Hero... we can't. Someone will see us."
"Not if I make it fast. Please. Give something to think about when I get home."
I didn't bother responding; I didn't need to. As soon as I declined my bed and buried my head in a pillow, Hero crept beneath my coverings, his skilled fingers crawling up the apex of my thigh.
I wasn't shocked to feel the moisture gathered there. With just one look from him, I lost all sense of control.
I was an uncontrollable damn in his prescence.
I groaned when he lifted a soaked finger to his mouth and sucked.
He grinned.
"Tastes as good as I'd hoped."
Like he'd forgotten about the need to be fast, he leisurely spread my legs, staring at the pink flesh. Licking his lips like a starved man, he tickled my tender slit making me buck.
Without wasting any more time, he slipped a finger inside my hot heat, curling it in just the right way.
Fuck. This was too much. It was-
"Come for me." Hero demanded.
Placing my pillow between my teeth, I released a strangled cry as he went on with his torture. Still massaging my tight hole, he began circling my clit with a thumb, breaking the last of my willpower.
Just as I felt the world shatter around me, a knock sounded on the door. As it opened, Hero managed to jump back into a seat, feigning innocence.
That had been close.
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FanfictionKristina's future has never been more certain. After a long journey of finding who she wants to be and what her life could be like, she's gained a wonderful boyfriend, turned husband. Now that her kidnappers are locked away and Hero's childhood ab...