Kindred spirits

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Hope's pov

We just came back from killing a mummy, right now I'm in my room changing clothes, so I can go to the twins room because I need to know the reason why Josie set my room on fire

Josie's pov

In the twins room

I'm in my room with Lizzie and we are unpacking our clothes "Why would you drive a wedge between me and Hope, why lie" Lizzie asks me, but before I can answer I hear Hope say behind me

"I was gonna ask the same thing" I turn around and look at her. She looks beautiful but now is not the time

I sigh and start talking "I didn't just lie" I turn to look at Hope again "I started the fire, Lizzie had made some remark about me being obsessed with you. I just blurted out 'How can I be obsessed with somebody who would say such mean things about my twin'

Hope just keeps looking at me and says defensively "But i didn't" I say softly "I know, I just made it up"

"Why" Hope asks me, I start thinking I didn't wanna say this, but now I guess I have to, well here goes nothing

"Because I didn't want Lizzie to know the truth, I had a crush on you and I had slipped a note into your room that morning

I don't know I just really immediately regretted it but I couldn't get in by then, so I did a fire spell under your door

I was really only aiming for the note" Hope looks angry, but honestly I feel relieved that I finally told the truth

"Why would it matter that I knew" I turn to look at Lizzie "Because my whole life every time I ever liked anyone you go for them and you always win"

Lizzie looks hurt but I already told the truth, so I'm not gonna lie "You had a crush on me" I hear Hope ask and I turn my head to look at her "Of course I did, who wouldn't" after I say that Hope smiles and I smile back

Hope's pov

I'm back in my room and Josie's words keep repeating in my head. I can't believe she had a crush on me

I had a crush on Josie when I was 14 that means if I saw the note, I would made a move. I didn't do it back then because I thought she didn't feel the same

Present day

I lay in my bed thinking about Josie and that day she said she had a crush on me. To be honest ever since that day I couldn't stop thinking about her, but I am in a relationship with Landon and Josie is no longer attending this school because of everything she did while being Dark Josie

Thinking about Dark Josie, I instantly remember that when I went into Josie's mind to rescue her, I met a pig who later was revealed as Josie, but before I knew that me and pig found Josie's fake body and the pig said 'You should try kissing her maybe'

There was a part of me that wanted to do it but I didn't and now thinking about it I wonder if she still has a crush on me

I don't blame Josie for anything she did as Dark Josie and I know I should be angry but I'm not because I know better than anyone that voice inside your head telling you how you are not good enough

I get off my bed and sit in my chair in front of my desk. I grab a pen and start writing on a piece of paper

Writing is one of the ways I deal with my emotions and as I start to think about Josie again everything just pours out of me

I'd set fire to the world if it made you feel safe
And even when I was cold oh I hoped you would stay
Caused you pain from the start and that makes it worse
I've been here the whole time
I hate the way you make me feel
Oh I wish you weren't real
And I, hope one day you'll see yourself how I see you now
And I, wish you'd see that you're the better part of me
I hate that I want you to want me

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