Your father was a good man

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Hope's pov

Right now, I'm in class that I share with the twins and the Super squad. Today we are going to learn about my dad and I don't really wanna listen to the teacher talk about how my dad was a bad person

We are waiting for the teacher when Josie whispers to me "Are you going to be okay Hope" I look at her confused and she adds "With today's lesson" I nod my head yes and smile

She smiles "If it becomes too much just tell me and we will go out together" I smile at her "Thanks Jo" she smiles one more time and faces the front once again

I can't believe how sweet Josie is, that is one of the many reasons why I like her. I really can't remember when my feelings came back and it scares me a little

We had a complicated friendship through the years, but she was always there for me when I needed help and I was always grateful for that even if I didn't show it then

Now, I have a great friendship with the twins and Lizzie knows I like Jo and she told me to tell her, but I'm scared that if she doesn't feel the same way our friendship that we finally built into something will be ruined

I don't want that to happen and I would rather have her in my life as a friend than lose her completely

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened and Caroline walked in instead of our teacher and we all looked at her confused "Good morning" she says and we all say "Good morning" she smiles

"I know you all expected your teacher, but I found out that today you will be learning about Klaus Mikaelson, so I thought I do something different for today's lesson

I brought a special guest with me that knew Klaus the best, so please welcome Rebekah Mikaelson" my eyes widen when I see my aunt come into the room "Good morning everyone" I instantly jump out of my seat "Aunt Bex" I hug her and she hugs back laughing

"Hey littlest wolf" we pull away and I was about to ask her something, but Caroline interrupted me "Hope, I'm so sorry for breaking up this reunion, but can you walk back to your seat, so I can continue" I smile and apologize "Sorry Caroline" she just smiles and I return to my seat

Caroline continues "As I was saying, Rebekah is here today to answer all of your questions about Klaus and to make sure she doesn't lie, I brought this orb"

She takes out the orb that is like a magical lie detector. "If the orb shines blue, she is telling the truth and if the orb shines red, she is lieing" Caroline says and turns to look at Bex

"Is your name Rebekah Mikaelson" she asks and Bex answers "Yes" the orb shines blue "And now I will ask you a question, but you lie" my aunt nods her head "Do you hate Hope" she laughs a little "Yes" the orb shines red

Caroline turns towards us "Okay students, everyone will get a chance to ask her a question, so we will start with the first student"

"Why did your brother kill so many innocent lives" I roll my eyes and start to get angry and my aunt sees that, but she shakes her head and I try to calm down

"I honestly don't know how to answer that question, only because most of the time I didn't know what the bloody hell was happening in my brother's head

My guess would be that one of the reasons was our father Mikael because he never accepted Klaus for who he was and I think Klaus wanted to prove to him that he was his son by killing people because my father was a murderer

I think in my brother's mind that was one of the reasons if not the main reason why he killed thousands of innocent people" the orb shines blue and all of the students are quiet after she finishes speaking and I have tears in my eyes like my aunt

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