You have to respect her

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Hope's pov

It's been a week after I came back from that cult with Lizzie and Josie and ever since we came back, Josie's words keep replaying in my mind 'All I ever wanted for you was happiness' it's been playing in my mind like a broken record. Those simple eight words meant a lot to me

A lot more than I care to admit and it's slowly driving me crazy because a week ago I was sad and angry because of Landon and Josie changed all of that with those simple eight words

My feelings for Josie came back when Landon dumped me because she was helping me deal with it. I remember one day that I was so angry and sad about how things ended with Landon and Josie came into my room and just hugged me and said

'Everything is going to be okay, you're okay and I'm here and I'm not going to leave' and I just remember how much those words meant to me in that moment

So when Josie said all she wanted for me was happiness, I realized in that moment that as long as I'm with her I'm happy

It scared me because I thought it was just a small crush, but now I realize looking back I never really lost my feelings for Josie. I only buried them so deeply that with time I believed it myself that I don't like her anymore

I realize now that I was wrong and I'm not denying my feelings anymore, but I know I can't act on them because there is no way Josie likes me back

Josie's pov

It's been a week after we came back from the cult as Hope likes to call it. I'm replaying in my head the words I said to Hope to bring her back and as I'm thinking about it

I realize that although most words were about trying to make her see that Landon and her aren't meant to be, but also some of those words I said were because I have feelings for Hope

Maybe in that moment I didn't exactly know what I was saying because my main goal was trying to bring her back, so I was saying what came to my mind in that moment

Now looking back I realize when I said that all I want for her is happiness I meant it, but I meant it in a way that if she was mine I would never let her go no matter what and I would always try to make her happy or at least smile

I wish that she would see that if she gives me a chance we would be happy, but I know that is never going to happen because she will always pick Landon

Right now, I'm walking to the cafeteria to go get breakfast when Finch stops me "Hey Josie" I fake a smile "Hey" I keep walking and she starts walking next to me

I don't like Finch, I used to like her, but then I realized she just wants to be the best in everything, so when I heard she is the new alpha to the school's pack I stayed away from her, but I know she likes me because even though I was staying away from her, she was always trying to talk to me or get closer to me

"Are you going to breakfast" Finch asks and I snap out of my thoughts, I just nod my head yes. She smiles "Okay cool, I will see you there then because I have a pack meeting first"

She rolls her eyes, I look at her and just say "Okay" and she finally walks off, but not before she kisses me on the cheek. I look at her walking away and if she turned around, she would see me with a murderous look on my face

Hope's pov

I was walking to breakfast when I heard Finch and Josie talking "I have to go to the pack meeting, but I will see you there" I hear Finch say and I'm confused, why didn't Jed tell me there was a pack meeting

I change direction and start walking to the gym angry and once I get there I yell at Jed "Jed what the hell, why didn't you tell me there was a pack meeting"

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