I know who you are

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Hope's pov

I was standing outside of the school and we just defeated another monster. I was waiting for Landon to come back because he said he needed to talk to me, but he first needed to talk to someone else

I know that the person is Josie and I don't want Landon to hurt her. I wanna make things right with Josie and I know we already talked, but it's still a little bit awkward between us and I wanna change that

I'm pissed at Landon because he left again without talking to me or to Josie and giving us some kind of answer. I'm used to it because people I care about always leave, but this time he also left Josie

Landon finally runs over to me and looks at me, he smiles and I just keep looking at him waiting for him to start talking. He takes a deep breath ''I thought leaving was the right thing to do, but I was wrong''

He touches my hair with his hand and I have to mentally stop myself from breaking his arm. I'm just so pissed because he once again ran from his problems instead of facing them ''That's what I came back to say''

I just keep looking at him not saying anything ''I love you Hope Mikaelson, I loved you when I couldn't remember you, I love you as I am standing here right now

Hope I loved you when I was dead and I think I always will. This is the part where you say'' I get angry and yell ''This is the part where I say that I hate you and that I don't wanna be with you ever again

You ran away from your problems again Landon and Josie and I would gladly give you some time to think, but you didn't even talk to us, you just took off without a word and I'm used to it, you know

People I care about always leaving me, but this time you didn't just leave and hurt me, no you also did that to Josie and she doesn't deserve that because she's one of the sweetest girls in the world and you hurt her

You never loved me and you certainly didn't love me when you couldn't remember me which is fine and I can't really blame you for that, but I was stuck in Malivore for 3 months and I had time to think about everything

I realized that our relationship isn't going anywhere, so since we never really officially broke up, I'll do it now, we're over Landon and I don't wanna talk to you ever again''

Landon looks at me with wide eyes and I can see tears in his eyes, but I just turn away from him and start walking to the door, but he stops me by grabbing my arm and I turn my head and look at him

''No, come on Hope let's talk about this, I love you. I know we can get through this just please don't do this'' I shake my head and remove my arm from his grip

''We have nothing to talk about Landon, so just leave me alone'' I start walking again and once I walk into the school, I start walking to Josie's room

I get in front of Josie's room and before I knock, I take a deep breath and then knock on the door. After a few seconds Josie opens the door and I can see she's been crying

My heart breaks at the sight and her eyes widen when she sees me, I don't say anything and just hug her tightly and she hugs back the same

I walk into her room not breaking the hug and close the door with my foot. I rub my hand up and down her back and she breaks down and starts crying

I continue rubbing my hand up and down her back and whisper in her ear ''It's okay love, just let it all out'' we just continue standing there in each other's arms and after a few minutes she finally stops crying

She pulls away from me and I look at her and smile, god she looks beautiful. I shake my head and bring my thumb to her eyes and wipe the remaining tears

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