The thing you were afraid to do was kiss me

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Author's note: I got an idea for this one shot thanks to lonerkidintheback I hope you like it and enjoy❤

Hope's pov

I am picking up the trash with Josie, but she doesn't stop asking questions and I wanna tell her everything, but I can't because Alaric told me not to and for once I agree with him because I wanna find out more before I tell the Super squad anything

I know we aren't close, but I still care about all of them, especially Josie and Lizzie and I wanna protect them. I know they can protect themselves, but I wanna find more answers before I tell them the truth and I just hope they will understand this time

I was starting to get angry and I go pick up a trash, but I accidentally stab my foot and I yell ''Aah'' Josie walks over to me and kneels down in front of me ''Are you okay, I mean what do I do''

I look at her ''Help me pull it out'' she looks at me like I'm crazy ''What'' I breathe out ''I can heal myself, pull it out'' I say and she nods. She pulls it out and falls on her back, she looks at me ''You poked yourself'' we both laugh and I forgot how cute her laugh is

I shake my head and look at her ''Shut up'' we laugh again and I help her stand up. I smile at her ''Thanks for your help'' she smiles and nods. I keep looking at her and she looks at me confused ''What''

I snap out of it and shake my head ''Nothing'' she keeps looking at me confused, but doesn't say anything and we start walking around the park, but after a few seconds Josie bends over in pain

I look at her worried ''Everything okay'' she stands back up and looks at me ''Yeah, I didn't eat well so I think I feel a little bit nauseous'' I nod, but keep looking at her worried ''We can go get something to eat if you want''

She crosses her arms ''Since when do you care'' I sigh ''I never stopped caring about you Josie'' she scoffs ''Yeah right, if that was true you wouldn't lie to me again'' I sigh ''I'm not lieing to you Josie''

She scoffs ''You just did'' I sigh, but don't say anything because I know she's right. I am lieing to her, even though Alaric made me promise not to tell anyone about monsters until he finds more answers

But a part of me wants to because I don't wanna lie to her again, to any of them, but every time I try I just can't do it because if they knew the truth that puts them in danger and they can get hurt or even worse killed

I can't lose any more loved ones, especially Josie because if I ever lost her I seriously don't know what I would do, so if having her hate me keeps her safe then so be it, but I know that sooner or later they will find out the truth

I know they will hate me even more when they do, but I wanna keep her and the rest of my friends safe for as long as possible. I snap out of my thoughts by Josie calling me ''Hope''

I snap out of it and look at her ''Sorry what'' she rolls her eyes ''Are you going to tell me what you're hiding'' I shake my head and turn to walk away, but before I can even make a step forward

Josie grabs my hand and I turn back around. I look at our hands and my heart starts beating faster and if Josie was a vampire or a wolf, I'm sure she would be able to hear it. I keep looking at our hands and I don't wanna let go

This simple little touch made shivers run all over my body and I feel stronger, I feel safe knowing that Josie is next to me. I look up at her and all I can think about is how much I want her closer, how much I wanna kiss her right now

Wait, what the hell am I thinking. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Josie calling me and I quickly let go of her hand, but after I do that, I swear I saw sadness and a little bit of disappointment in her eyes

Hosie - One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now